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  1. latinojazz

    Universal Aikido Federation

    Dear friends, Please visit the New website of the Universal Aikido Federation...
  2. latinojazz

    Tenshin Dojo Europe News

    "True success isn't just about fame, but about creating a positive impact" Shihan Seagal
  3. latinojazz

    Tenshin Dojo Europe News

    Solidarity With Los Angeles Dear friends, Do you remember this place in California where Shihan Seagal teached Aikido to many students? It is in this house that Shihan Seagal trained Lyoto Machida... This is a amazing text wrote by Mrs Seagal some days ago. A fire broke out in Los Angeles on...
  4. latinojazz

    Tenshin Dojo Europe News

    Bali ~ Indonesia December-January 2025 Shihan Seagal travelling around the world. He's actually in Bali in Indonesia, where he meeted some fans and talked about martial arts. He always like to share his experience and knowledges.
  5. latinojazz

    Official message from Seagal's family

    tenshin_dojo_europe_official To all the Tenshin Dojo Europe followers Thank you so much for your support to Shihan Steven Seagal & Tenshin. We wish you all the best for the New Year 2025, peace, health & success in all your projects. Team Seagal
  6. latinojazz

    Tenshin Dojo Europe News

    Seagal Dic 24
  7. latinojazz

    Steven Seagal Pic Of The Day.

    Very nice, she's so gorgeous and the movie is fantastic, glad they got along!!
  8. latinojazz

    Official message from Seagal's family

    tenshin_dojo_europe_official Official message from Seagal's family ***** VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Merry Christmas to all our friends and family who are celebrating Christmas all around the world. Wishing you all joy, happiness, health and harmony!
  9. latinojazz

    Seagal received the 2024 Golden Belt Award

    He looks good, as unique as always
  10. latinojazz

    Tenshin Dojo Europe News

    Shihan Seagal & Sergei Badyuk October 2024 ~ Moscow Russia
  11. latinojazz

    Tenshin Dojo Europe News

    Dear friends This is some pictures sent from one of our followers from USA ~ Allie Alberigo "Some of my fondest memories were training with Take Shihan Seagal in seminars. He always showed me courtesy and treated me well. He was a huge inspiration on my martial arts."
  12. latinojazz

    Seagal received the 2024 Golden Belt Award

    Two more pics
  13. latinojazz

    Tenshin Dojo Europe News

    Today it is a special day ! Happy birthday to our friend from Russian Aïkido Federation Ivan Egorov ! wish you all the best !
  14. latinojazz

    Seagal received the 2024 Golden Belt Award

    From Russian Aïkido Federation Le 8 octobre, lors de la cérémonie de la ceinture d'or, le prix de la nomination « Contribution au développement des arts martiaux » a été reçu par l'instructeur en chef de la Fédération d'Aïkido de Russie, Steven Seagal 7e dan d'Aikido !!! Nous félicitons...
  15. latinojazz

    David Curzal Fight-Shihan Seagal gives His Blessing For Fight Sat, Sept 28th

    Bonus MMA - Some years ago... Shihan Seagal was training our friend, MMA fighter Justin McCully
  16. latinojazz

    David Curzal Fight-Shihan Seagal gives His Blessing For Fight Sat, Sept 28th

    Shihan Seagal gives His Blessing For Fight Sat, Sept 28th Watch @realvikingsamurai Face Off against @shanemosley Who's Your Pick? Brought to you by @celebrityboxing1 w/ special guest referee @duskopoppington Watch at home via @americanunetworks
  17. latinojazz


    Glad you like it. He has his own style, very unique. Most people wear very similar outfits day in, day out, anyway. He does it his very own way, and I appreciate his personality. He doesn´t care what other people think or say about it, and I like that very much.
  18. latinojazz


    On June 10 2024 at 15:30, one of the most popular Hollywood actors of the 80s, 90s and 2000s, film producer, screenwriter, musician and aikido master Steven Seagal unveiled a personalized star at the Sea Breeze Walk of Fame. Throughout his career, Steven Seagal has starred in more than 100...
  19. latinojazz

    Tenshin Dojo Europe News

    Dear friends This is some pics sent from our friend Ramin from Azerbaïdjan. (June 9th 2024) Hope to announce you great news very soon !!! Shihan Seagal had interesting discussions regarding future mutual projects. Stay tuned ! With Nazim Aliyev President of Azerbaijan Eurasia Aikido and Budo...