Okay, okay. But Seagal has a confidence that these guys can't even reach in this life time in film. arny and sly teaming up together in a movie together. That's a little far fetched even for them to attract the movie going fan. But they're insecure just as they were in the 1980's by dancing...
That's probably because behind the scenes Steven Seagal is paying arny and sly's paychecks LOL :D and Seagal wants it that way and doesn't care to make it know to the general movie goer and public. And Seagal doesn't need to boast about how much money he makes for a living. I may be wrong? But...
Okay okay ;). I'll bet you've even got family members that you verbally abuse in a derogatory way concerning their physical healths and well being er' that is if they're overweight or got just a pinch of cellulite on their body frames and you can't handle it. What's your EXPERT opinion on how an...
How about that! A little kid from Lansing, Michigan grows up to topple all muscle bound thespians and reign supreme as the ultimate heroic actor, Steven Seagal! "I have spoken and it is so".
:p:confused::D :eek:
What's this!? What's this?! sylvie and arny performing together in a film? Who'd ever thought the two reigning movie stars from the 1980's would be depending on each other for support in the film industry for survival?
Sad. Very sad :oops:. But I too am learning this...
:) :gun: Found this site. Hope you visit it?
Donald Lee Wilkey shared a link.
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Sea Wolf and Act Of Vengeance - New CHARLES BRONSON Chat
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