Recent content by Heroic

  1. Heroic

    Mojo Priest - UK Release

    unbelievable that "Dark Angel" ist not on the album. my favorit song of the mojo priest session.
  2. Heroic

    Stallone says Seagal backed down from Van Damme's challenge

    whatever, i think that seagal is a much higher level in martial arts techniques than van damme, but van damme is definitely in better shape for such confrontations. All in all, both are stupid when they confront each other like a couple of monkeys "Hey, i can kick your ass", "no, i can kick...
  3. Heroic

    Into The Sun Reviews

    "Into The Sun" is of course the best steven of recent years. But the film could be more "professional". These (compared to the rest of the movie) really bad "high-speed-scenes" and this strange techno music (i think it was something like that) don't fit to the rest of the movie. Nevertheless...
  4. Heroic

    Submerged - review

    Now my review: very bad!