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    Steven Seagal Look-alike

    Hi! Don't know, if you have seen this before: Yours, Alejandro
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    Black Belt Magazine 2/89

    Hi ! Does anyone know, if the article from Black Belt Magazine 2/1989 "Steven Seagal - Is he as tough as he appears? - INTERVIEW" is available online. Thanks.
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    PBT's closing clip, I have it !!!

    I've had the PBT video tape about a year now, ordered from the official SS site. I've watched it many times and I'm still watching it every now and then, Seagal's Aikido skills are very impressive, especially the old footage, randori & the knife defences.
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    Nico / Above the law (censorship)

    Seagal sure made a big impression on me the first time I saw him on screen. His newest movies haven't been very impressive though.
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    Above the Law screenplay on the net

    Above The Law screenplay This was very interesting to read, there was a lot of conversations (like the one with uncle Branca at the christening party) that got left out of the film. That would have been nice to see. In the script they made Nico more like a "normal person" then a...
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    Few questions about "Above The Law"

    Hi ! This is probably my first post here, I did post a few times to the official Seagal site. I have few questions about Seagal's first movie "Above The Law". When Nico is talking in Japanese with the Japanese guy, some man comes and says something like "hey" and looks at Nico, than...