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  1. R

    Steven Seagal training Anderson Silva Video

    I looked around and didn't see this posted yet so I figured I'd throw it up here. It's video of Segal showing some Aikido to Anderson Silva (UFC) in preparation for his fight with Chael Sonen (MMA). I found it particularly interesting as I train in Hakko-Ryu Aikijujutsu (Daito-Ryu derivative)...
  2. R

    Genuinely excited....

    I just watched the trailer for Into the Sun and I have to say for the first time in a long time I'm not dreading watching a Seagal movie. I've been a long time Seagal fan but his recent straight to DVD movies have been painful for me to watch and I avoided everything after Belly of the Beast...
  3. R

    Seagal Video Clips....

    I'm not sure if this has been posted as I don't get on here very much. But there are a number of Seagal videos on Limewire ( including the Path Beyond Thought and some stuff from his teaching days in Japan.
  4. R

    Saying hello...

    Probably could have come up with a better thread title eh? Anyways just found this site today. I was looking my arse off for a place to pick up "A Path Beyond Thought" and I came across the place. Nice to see there is an "active" forum still left. lol. Anywho figured I would say hello...