Aikido On Ukraine

Agent 077

Just imagine, guys. Prior to that I was fond of karate. I had love in my life. Then I got to madhouse. After that adventures I had started Aikido lessons. I found Master of Aikido in Rivne city. I asked him: "How is your opinion about Steven Seagal?". And he answered that: "I do not like Steven Seagal". Then he called me "mannequin" and he jostled me from his training club. Who is interesting, his club called "Keyko".and his name Oleg Nikolaevich Gavriluk. And finally before this all was beaten my mother on street. I told him all this story.I came to him in the Dojo very long. Finally he said me: "Come to training". But how I could quitely training- my mother was beaten. Oleg Nikolaevich great buy, but very dull person. He is officer of government Service of Unusual Situation in Rivne City. He is instructor of martial arts in government institutions. I had friends, the bad guys.Now I understand that they have stuck to me to be friends on purpose. I could not get rid of them.I thought they used sexual violence. I loved the girl. No all good. I solved my problem. In addition, I had contacted the police for help. Nothing. And moreover I was placed to madhouse again. I had trying do my karate training in madhouse, meditation etc. But I stumbled on preven and ironies. Now all good. I am winner!
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Agent 077

But Aikido in Ukraine!.. Just imagine club Aikido "Keiko":

But no matter how- Aikido! Nothing to say- black belt, swords, Dojo. By the way, who interesting music besides Steven Seagal, there are Keiko Matsui.

His owner saved my life. Officer and a martial arts instructor at the Institute of Unusual Situations in Ukraine. His whole life was spent in Army. Then Aikido. Great guy!