Catalog Info

Does anyone know the phone number or email address to Steven Seagals Store, so I can request a Catalog for ordering some of his Healing Health products? Thank you for your help and hope all of you have a blessed day.

Mama San

CountryEagle;185060 said:
Does anyone know the phone number or email address to Steven Seagals Store, so I can request a Catalog for ordering some of his Healing Health products? Thank you for your help and hope all of you have a blessed day.

I don't believe there is a "catalog"!
Any ordering would have to be done
from that web site, as far as I know.
God bless,
Mama san
thank you

Okay. Thank you Mama San. I will see if I can find that particular web site, again. I should have book marked that page because Mr. Seagal really had some good, natural healing health products,which is how I strongly believe in treating my self(for the most part); more natural alternative methods of healing & health care, more so than traditional medicines. It is the Best way, in my personal belief...too many chemicals in traditional meds. Hope you have a blessed day.
Thank You/Natural Healing tips

Thanks Sue! The best way to learn about natural healing is study both traditional med. Info. & Herbal Alternative Medicine and find a Shaman/Herbalist near you. Once you begin to understand how your body works, then at the same time you will begin to understand what foods & herbs help heal what sicknesses(also study how different sicknesses affect your body),etc... I have A Doctors Handbook of Diseases, A Pathology Book, A College Book of Nutrition nurses use in training, The Complete Natural Guide to Healing, Natural Healing Secrets A-Z, Alternative Therapies A-Z, Ancient Healing Secrets, Chinese Healing Secrets,.... And I subscribe to Natural Health,Alternative Med., Scientific American, Discover Magazine, etc.... And when I can, I read Microbe World online since I can't afford $50.00/year for the hard copy subscription due to all the magazines I subscribe to and organizations I support(Wildlife Defender, Nature Conservancy, etc....). I hope this will help since you prefer natural ways, as I do....Hope you have a Blessed Day!