

Steve's Destiny


Steve's Destiny
Things in themselves are void, so never cling to Voidness lest you stray [into] formalism.

-Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa


I Belong To Steven
Jalu, what does the image in post #123 signify?
There is no deity so I was very curious...
Thank-You, these are sooooo uplifting...:)


Steve's Destiny
That is a Wish-granting jewel....

...Of all worldly possessions the most precious is said to be the legendary wish-granting jewel. It is impossible to find such a jewel in these degenerate times, but in the past, when human beings had abundant merit, there used to be magical jewels that had the power to grant wishes


Thought I might add it in here.I took the picture in June 2001 when Tibetan monks visited Tallinn.


Steve's Destiny
Tora thanks for the picture, but can you delete and put it back later after I put something that was meant to be under the Buddha.....please.

Thank you (I will delete this message after that, so don't answer)


Steve's Destiny
Then can you please delete your post?
This a theread is on meditation and ispiring images I'm sorry if you feel upset, but I'm still working on a theme here. I will appreciate your cooperation. Nothing will be added till you and I delete the last three posts, so please I ask other people not to add anything.



Steve's Destiny

"I hope you understand what the word 'spiritual' really means. It means to search for, to investigate, the true nature of the mind. There is nothing spiritual outside. My rosary isn't spiritual; my robes aren't spiritual. Spiritual means the mind, and spiritual people are those who seek its nature. Through this, they come to understand the effects of their behavior, the actions of their body, speech and mind. If you don't understand the karmic results of what you think and do, there's no other way to become a spiritual person. Just knowing some religious philosophy isn't enough to make you spiritual."

__Lama Yeshe


I Belong To Steven
Thanks much for the explanation about the jewel Jalu, and thanks also for including the wise excerpt/statement from Lama Yeshe...:)


DALAILAMA ned liberation in
kagiu case 1992/2006
dual vietnam WAR LIKE?
peace >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>