What role do you want for Seagal?


New Member
I think he could play an older mentor thats an expert in martial arts and teaches others. They could have his top student get kidnapped or something, and have Seagal rescue him.


Mr sinister

Seagal will be cool like mr sinister our Batman! our As a school teacher that´s whip all those kids and gangs that want to take over the school. Like the movie with Tom berenger that would be great for mr seagal. And whem we are on the topic why don´t do a cameo our a small part in X-men, Harry Potter,

Our in the new star wars flick seagal will be great as a jedi knight.


Gotti of Gambino ... awesome premise

funny Tora - the only way you'd see Seagal as Batman or in Star Wars would be through a pinhole not larger than that of Tora's avatar.

I was watching a documentary of the Gambino family and the stuff that the family did leading to Gotti's placement at the head of the table to his trial and ultimately his death of cancer in prison... There lies a great story line and screenplay for a potential Seagal flick and would be like Out For Justice all over again. Now wouldn't that be a comeback. Everybody would be falling over Seagal and worshipping him (all those who are not doing so right now).