Recent content by greg boyd

  1. G

    My Site is Updated !!

    i dont know where you get ur info or how you produce great sites i sumtimes wonder if you are seagals sister and you just ask him all the things u need 2 know but yet again you hav excelled. Super site suzi
  2. G

    Movies Steven's Upcoming Movies - 2005

    ok thanks TDWoj. i hope these films are released, how can they not release them because all the money thats already went into them. Althought the 14 million seagal has been sued for might be meant to cover the costs of this.
  3. G

    Movies Steven's Upcoming Movies - 2005

    is there any information on when his newer films will be released in the uk?? like today you die etc. all seems to be american releases and that. sry if a missed a part where it says releases but i just skimmed it as i hav to go the now. lol
  4. G

    Why do they dub someone else's voice in?

    i understand where that comment is coming from but busy or not he still has to be there to be filmed then dubbed meaning it wont really make any difference to his busy schedule if he tlk while being filmed or not.
  5. G

    Any UK Seagal fans...?

    Hope your site goes well and i am from the UK too.(Scotalnd)
  6. G

    Describe Seagal In One Word.

    i would say he is IMMENSE
  7. G

    When Did You Become A Steven Seagal Fan?

    i became a fan of his in september i believe. it was when i was just sitting in front off the tv munching away as you do and on came Exit Wounds from then on i hav thought he is great and i hav watched all but 1 of his movies. into the sun :-(. still not yet out over here in scotland.
  8. G

    a funny picture!!!

    Here are some more
  9. G

    Current movie?

    I have recently watched THE GRUDGE at the movies with ma pals. The girls found it scary but it wasn't really that bad. The movie was ok i guess but i have seen much much better. I would recommened u go 2 c something better than this.
  10. G

    My crazy idea on a movie...Its long so don't read it unless you have some time!!

    thats an excellent idea for a film. i cant believe you could have thought of that its great. I would definitely watch it if it ever was made. Well done
  11. G

    Aikido Video Clips!!

    tats total kl. thanks for they movies. i wish i could do the things shown lol.
  12. G

    Review: Marked For Death

    i liked this seagal film. i admit it was a little strange how he got all the fire arms to jamaica but anyway thats just how it is. i give this 4 out of 5
  13. G

    Review: Half Past Dead

    the movie overall is good. i would also have liked more fight scenes but overall its a good film.
  14. G

    Review: Hard To Kill

    this movie is great. i love the many fight scenes. its a great film i think 4.99 OUT OF 5 lol
  15. G

    Review: Out For Justice

    one of the best seagal films i think. i like the many fight scenes.