
  1. DiDa

    Movies Interview With Matthias Titus Paar!!

    Hi everyone, I did an exclusive interview with the director of The Perfect Weapon, Matthias Titus Paar. Read the result below!!! Thank you Mr. Paar for willing to do this interview for us!! 1. Can you tell something about yourself? How did you become involved in the movie business? Hey guys...
  2. DiDa

    Interview / Updates Keoni Waxman!

    Keoni Waxman answered the questions we had for him. Here is the interview: 1.Can you tell something about yourself? How did you become involved in the movie business?
 I started out making short films in film school and operating camera for Stan Brakhage on some of his experimental...
  3. DiDa

    Q&A with Keoni Waxman!

    As some of you know I was trying to contact Keoni Waxman for an Q&A! And.....he replied! He was very kind and told me Force of Execution is almost finished and that we will love it. He is willing to do an Q&A. He asked me to collect the questions from the fans and send them to him! So put...