Out Of Reach : Review From Modamag

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Screwed again! Damn it, just when you think the next Steven Seagal direct-to-video release couldn’t possibly SUCK anymore than the previous one, it does. Okay, I respect the man and remain an avid fan of his early work, but please, please, Steven…quick making garbage. I honestly didn’t think things could get any worse than “Out For A Kill.” Oh, how I was wrong. Is it any wonder Seagal doesn’t even bother to promote these films anymore? What happened? He was such a hot item at one time and “Half Past Dead” was progress.

Oh, hell. William Lancing lives in the wild at peace with himself and nature, done with the murderous ways of his previous employment. Another way he’s at peace with himself is by writing a young orphan at an orphanage overseas and teaching her signage. I’m sure that’s exactly what she wanted to learn. He couldn’t just send money like any other American watching too many Sally Struthers commercials? As happens in those dastardly crooked foreign orphanages, some men in suits show up, flash some money and make threats, then take off with a few kids at a time to sell in the black market for sex or…foot massages or something.

Naturally, when Lancing discovers his friend is no longer answering his letters and receives a note stating that she’s gone, he travels there to find out where and why. Bad guys follow, people take shots at him (bad idea) and a foreign agent teams up to help stop the network. Meanwhile, until Lancing catches up, his young friend leaves him signs that only he would know to look for, things he taught her. The final showdown between the head bad guy and Lancing has some promise, but ends a bit too quickly and fizzles out. Come to think of it, so does the movie.

Want to know what sucks about this movie…besides the movie? Let’s start with the confusing and then ridiculous job of dubbing Seagal’s voice throughout parts of the film. It’s obvious and yet there it is…over and over and over again. What the hell happened here? The fight sequences are okay, but nothing special or what we’ve come to expect from earlier Seagal films. As much as I hate to admit this because I do respect the man, it looks as if he’s sleepwalking through these roles, only to what end? Is he waiting for someone to give him a good film again or is he just fulfilling a contact? Whatever it is, the man needs to get out of this rut.

Sony has released “Out of Reach” in its original Widescreen format. It doesn’t help since the movie STILL sucks. Picture quality tends to be a bit grainy at times, but fairly strong other than that. Audio is horrific, especially that damn dubbing job. As for extras, there are none and be thankful for that. I highly doubt an audio commentary is going to improve perception of this film. In fact, I don’t think anything could.

Rumor has it that the next couple of films from Seagal actually have budgets worthy of a theatrical production and may be playing at your local cinema. This would be a welcome return for the man provided the cast and crew put in some effort. Hell, a film made either here or in Canada would be a welcome sight since these foreign direct-to-video releases are nothing more than fodder for cutout bins. That’s exactly where “Out of Reach” is headed. Avoid it.

Film Rating: D
DVD Special Features: N/A

By Kage Alan

Source : Modamag.
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