Query-: Has Seagal's Genghis Khan Biopic Been Abandoned?


New Member
As far back as 1998 I remember reading in Total Film magazine that Seagal was planning to make a movie about Genghis Khan. I have not heard much about it since then and was wondering if anyone on this forum knows what studios were supposed to be making it, supposed filming locations and whether or not it is going to be made at all.

Does anyone have any info?


Amos Stevens

New Member
Well there has been news posted here about it from time to time-so I'm sure someone else has more up to date news than I:

Genghis Kahn 2003 : 3 04.05.2003 - (Beijing) Steve Seagal has been here in Beijing planning a movie on Genghis Khan. He talked to newspaper Beijing Star daily last Saturday. "We hope to shoot [Genghis Khan] early next year. At the moment we're trying to round out a cast. I'll be playing Khan, and we've got a lot of other actors to play some of the smaller roles. In some respects, this will be the epic film I've never been able to do before. And we're hoping to fill a lot of the roles with local actors to make the film authentic.""Genghis Khan was a political and military genius. And it was not always that way, after his father was poisoned to death, many detested his appointment as chief. But this man had such a way about him, and spoke truths that his people hadn't heard before. Pretty soon three followers turned into three billion followers."


I Belong To Steven
Well, at this point with the SARS epidemic affecting China so seriously it might be on hold, but I have no real idea...Anyone know?


I've an idea that Geghis Khan had a completely different appearance than Seagal has.He was much taller than Seagal,over 2 meters tall and he had a red hair,red beard and yellow eyes.So get the idea what kind of make-up it should be for Steven.