Seagal news from Jon Marsh

Currently Seagal is Making Unleashed in Bulgaria but I know not much info on this film other than it has a $20M budget and that it will go through Sony-Screen Gems pictures.He also has other films in pipeline such as Under Siege 3 and The Package for Warner Bros.

This means he will have 3 films dtv-OFAK,BOTB & Unleashed.
And 3 films going to the big screen-Yakuza,The Package & either US3 or Genghis Khan.

I take it The Package is another name for The Rescue??


Be your self...
yeah, I also think The Package is another name for The Rescue...

Steven is a busy man!!! :)
I wonder why Seagal is deciding to make lots of films?Does he have something to prove?Does he want to make as many films before he retires(though he has many years left yet :))?Funny how he used to make only one film a year,now he is making as many films as he can in a year.Whatever the reason,it's damn good:)


Staff member
heheyyyyyyy !! Steven working for us !!!
Thank you justice !!

in oneness


Staff member
He probably needs the money... with his spending habits (he travels with his own cook, has -apparently - at least 4 bodyguards with him wherever he goes - this stuff don't come cheap, folks), two or three million dollars per picture can get spent pretty damned quickly.
Latest from Jon Marsh...

Seagal's Latest film Yakuza has a late August start date after Seagal finished work on low-budget Thriller Unleashed for Screen Gems-Sony.

I think Unleashed only has a six week shoot.
Hi Ras,

Unleashed will be stv & will come out in the UK in January 2004.Yakuza has a budget of $40,will be a Warner Bros. release & will be released in cinemas in Summer(if I remember correctly) 2004.


Well-Known Member
40 mil thats alot for a seagal film these days i hope its true.
is what you said about unleashed out in jan 2004 in england true......whens it out in the usa then or is it out over here first for a change.


Well-Known Member
by the way justice have you seen cradle 2 grave with jet li.i saw it last night and i give it 7/10(good but not as good as exit wounds or kiss the dragon)
justice808 said:
Currently Seagal is Making Unleashed in Bulgaria but I know not much info on this film other than it has a $20M budget and that it will go through Sony-Screen Gems pictures.He also has other films in pipeline such as Under Siege 3 and The Package for Warner Bros.

This means he will have 3 films dtv-OFAK,BOTB & Unleashed.
And 3 films going to the big screen-Yakuza,The Package & either US3 or Genghis Khan.

I take it The Package is another name for The Rescue??

I know one thing: I'll be a happy cookie if Seagal makes 3 new movies for Warner Bros(Yakuza, Ghenghis Khan and US3) and he continues to make the smaller films too that go direct to video like Out for a Kill and Belly of the Beast.
I think it must be a money thing now for Seagal. He dont make what he used to and he cant just choose to make what he wants now..I just want to see him keep putting out movies and some of these upcoming films sound pretty good.
Are you sure Leon, that The Package is also The Rescue?
If The Package isn't The Rescue then I guess it must be a different film all together.We'll have to play the waiting game again:(Even Jon Marsh doesn't know!
rastafari said:
by the way justice have you seen cradle 2 grave with jet li.i saw it last night and i give it 7/10(good but not as good as exit wounds or kiss the dragon)

Hi rastafari,I haven't yet seen Cradle To The Grave(can't believe it myself)but will be buying it on DVD when it comes out.

