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  1. F

    Interesting Article on Seagal

    As a big fan of Seagal, I though this was a most intersting article. Check it out:
  2. F

    Celebrity Fit Club (Kelly LeBrock)

    Kelly LeBrock has been on Celebrity Fit Club with a great attitude & work ethic, busting her *** to slim down. She was such a sex symbol years back. Her personality & the way she carries herself on the show is so appealing & sweet that even though she's overweight now, she's still very sexy...
  3. F

    Seagal vs. UFC contender(s)

    Alot of the general public is convinced that the UFC fighters are the best of thee best & also the most skilled & toughest, especially since they all have embraced the concept of cross training. How do you think Seagal would do in the Octagon against a prime UFC fighter?
  4. F

    Clementine, Submerged, & The Onion movie

    I have read so many different things on these movies that star Seagal. Are they out yet? If they are, where can I find them? How come I haven't seen them in the video stores yet if they are? Why are some movies released in some areas of the country/world & not others?
  5. F

    Seagal frustrates me

    Steven Seagal has the brains & the ability even at his age to be a solid actor. He seems to recognize the importance & value of exposing yourself to different challenges in his life except for 1 thing, his movie roles. He basically has played the same character within the same type of movie...