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Attrition and General Commander will be released through this platform.
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I really would like to hear him talk about the problems he had with Avi lerner and his movies. THAT is interesting!
In the 3rd chat DiDa got loads of questions answered. It was funny how Seagal was going "him again?" basically. I think that he realises how few people are getting involved.
The problem is he doesn't even know the titles of his movies. Someone asked him about the role of Paulie Trunks in Gutshot Straight. Seagal didn't what that person was talking about because 'distributors keep changing all the titles'.....he saidEspecially as Lerner was involved with KILL SWITCH. Although TODAY YOU DIE is the one that fascinates me most.
That was the 2nd chat.
Someone asked him about the role of Paulie Trunks in Gutshot Straight. Seagal didn't what that person was talking about because 'distributors keep changing all the titles'.....he said
In the 3rd chat DiDa got loads of questions answered. It was funny how Seagal was going "him again?" basically. I think that he realises how few people are getting involved.
That was me. I was surprised he didn't recall the character. I tried rephrasing the question to be more specific.
The problem is he doesn't even know the titles of his movies. Someone asked him about the role of Paulie Trunks in Gutshot Straight. Seagal didn't what that person was talking about because 'distributors keep changing all the titles'.....he said
In the third chat he mentions that there were quite a few movies that he is not too proud of, but says that pretty much all actors/actresses have dreadful movies.
I just watched the 3rd video chat and I was surprised! I take back my words. Steven did answer a lot of my questions.
But I only know that now because of the video. When I was on the chat they weren't answered!! For your info, during the chat you don't get to see Steven. It's just written answers. So it seems that Seagal is answering more questions then the ones that were shown on the actual chat.
Forget all my posts about the complaints of the 3rd chat. The video was great. Funny to see how Steven and Rey respond to my name...."hey it's Dida again...
That's cool to know DiDa. Steven knows you're a loyal and super Uber Seagal fan!!
Nice to know that you've all been enjoying the chat sessions with Steven and Rey. Enjoy it while it lasts because 365Flix may not be around this time next year...who knows?? I just can't see how they can make a profit putting out all future films this way...but they obviously did their homework before they set it up. I wish them all the best, and I will be glad if I'm proven wrong and it turns out to be a successful business for them.
At the very least it's unique - it just needs more people to know it exists. Advertising, word of mouth, social media, as always, will be the key. So good luck 365Flix!
I don't know what deals they made with foreign distributors. Maybe that's how the money comes in?
Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate that 365flix is sharing info with us, but my feeling says that the movie for October should have been announced and promoted already. The same goes for General Commander. The movie will be released in November. Still no new info (trailer, poster, release date....). I think they really should change their marketing strategy.
Hey, 365Flix , are you looking for anyone to market your films and brand? I am available!!!![]()
Well, that's exactly what they are after. People like us to market the film on their behalf. Offering incentives to do so. They recently announced their first winner who will get to meet Seagal.