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on page 346 of the SEAGALOGY A STUDY OF THE ASS-KICKING FILMS OF STEVEN SEAGAL - UPDATED AND EXPANDED EDITION Vern mentions an early workprint of KILL SWITCH named "A Higher Form of Learning". He watched it, judging from the text.
Do you know if this work print is available for official purchase similar to the Unreleased Director's Cut of TICKER by Mr. Pyun?
Can you help me?
on page 346 of the SEAGALOGY A STUDY OF THE ASS-KICKING FILMS OF STEVEN SEAGAL - UPDATED AND EXPANDED EDITION Vern mentions an early workprint of KILL SWITCH named "A Higher Form of Learning". He watched it, judging from the text.
Do you know if this work print is available for official purchase similar to the Unreleased Director's Cut of TICKER by Mr. Pyun?
Can you help me?