And how would we know that, I've never met Seagal, never talked to him. So I do not know how he is in real life. And I don't like to be told what to think or do.
Again, don't tell me what to do, think or admit. I'll decide what I do, think or admit. I'm not saying he is not an asshole, but again I don't know him personally. Yes there are many negative stories and sure some (if not many) will be true. But there are also plenty a story we know that isn't true. And if he had harrassed many women, why has there been no court case like with Epstein or why hasn't he been banned from hollywood like Kevin Spacey and can he still turn out so many movies?
That might have something to do with him leaving her and her mother? And why are still so much people keen on working with Seagal, even more then once?
And why would you say someone cann't fight because he behaved badly towards women? That just doesn't add up. Yes he is overweight, but being overweighted doesn't mean his skills are ridiculous. Yes in his movies the sequences become ridiculous but I think that has more to do with the choreagrapher and Seagals idea of him being invinsible and untouchable then with the fact his skills are ridiculous. If I see videos of seminars he is still giving or demos, he can still move and still has some good techniques.
If you look closely all MMA fighters uses different fighting styles. Seagal also holds a degree in several martial arts, but aikido has the upperhand. And that's the trick, sticking to one style is great if you only fight people with the same style. But fight against someone with a different style and you could be in a world of hurt. And as for aikido being effective. I can tell from personal expierence that aikido can be very effective, that's why many law enforcement agencies around the world teach aikido techniques to their officers amongst other techniques. I myself studied aikido, judo, karate and jiu jitsu and the combination of techniques are incredible.
And you know that how? Have you ever fought against him? How can you say it's a fact?
Hmmm… strange, the very first thing I find when googling Chuck Norris is about a full contact tournament where he is in the finals…. Yes, he didn't win the final, but he did all his other fights in order to get to the final. And you know what, even full contact fights are point matches. Because if there is no knock out, points will decide the winner, just as in boxing, judo, karate, taekwondo etc etc etc. And again Norris didn't just do karate, but Tang Soo Do (10th degree black belt), brazilian jiu jitsu with the Gracie family, and has an 8th degree black belt in taekwondo and a 10th degree black belt in Chun Kuk Do. You don't get those degrees by 'faking' it.
What I'm trying to say is: You're entitled to your opinion, but don't go passing it off as facts or the opinions of others.
My personal opinion is that Seagal has lost touch with reality and for him it would have been better if he hadn't become famous. With all the stories floating around, it is more then likely he is guilty to some, but he hasn't been convicted yet (remember it is, innocent until proven guilty). His movies of recent years are primarily crap, but he said himself he doesn't like acting, it pays the bills. But then again I would not have been introduced to the world of aikido if I hadn't seen him in ATL. In my opinion one of the best martial arts around. And if I ever met the guy I would certainly not pick a fight with him.