Clothing questions....


I Belong To Steven
Can explain to me what a dogi is?
Perhaps this term should be two words, that is do-gi...
And what is a gi?
Are there different types of gi's?
Are do-gi's and gi's both different things?
And are they very different from a hakama?
If so, how so?
Just very curious, thanks...
Hope I am not being too confusing...:)


Old member aikidoka
Hakama refers to the black or blue wide pants you see Seagal in when he is teaching aikido. The white top and pants are underwear and are called dogi, keikogi or just gi.


Above The Law
Aikilove said:
Hakama refers to the black or blue wide pants you see Seagal in when he is teaching aikido. The white top and pants are underwear and are called dogi, keikogi or just gi.

But only blackbelts wear the hakama's and beginners where regular gi's correct


Old member aikidoka
As always it depends where you are. e.g. there are many dojos in US that starts with hakama from start. Some where one starts after 3 kyu (like in all of Sweden) and some where you start with hakama at blackbelt.



Above The Law
Aikilove said:
As always it depends where you are. e.g. there are many dojos in US that starts with hakama from start. Some where one starts after 3 kyu (like in all of Sweden) and some where you start with hakama at blackbelt.


Ok thanks for the info.


New Member
Gi's and Hakama's

Lotussan said:
Can explain to me what a dogi is?
Perhaps this term should be two words, that is do-gi...
And what is a gi?
Are there different types of gi's?
Are do-gi's and gi's both different things?
And are they very different from a hakama?
If so, how so?
Just very curious, thanks...
Hope I am not being too confusing...:)

Hi ya,

Lotussan, hakama's are pants or trousers worn in Japan. Some say they were designed to ride horses because of comfort. Nowadays you only see hakama's in the dojo or a special event, like Kabuki (Japanese plays). They can be any color also, I've seen almost every color you can think of. Most of the time in the dojo they are black or blue. I have seen them in white sometimes, however I was told usally the white ones are for Buddhist Priest. As far as the word "dogi," in Japan you have to understand the language first. Example "swimsuit" is mizu-gi meaning mizu (water) gi (uniform) so you get water uniform. So the proper way is to say Aikido gi, Judo gi, Japanese get dogi because it is a short cut from the rootword.​


I Belong To Steven
Thank-You for the kind reply, Aiki...:) I have only seen them in Blue or black...
So it's a shortcut and combination of the word gi, and the root word aikido, or the root word dojo? Sorry, I am confused again...:)