Consider Me Converted!

Hello there

My name is Steve, I'm 19 years old and reside in Newcastle, England and have recently discovered the joys of Steve Seagal movies and also his music.

Up until recently my liking of Seagal movies went as far as Under Seige and Exit Wounds, dismissing his other works as lame d-grade trash but that was until I bought a copy of Belly Of The Beast (At the time it was purely becuase I'm a huge fan of the director Ching Siu-Tung) and I absolutely loved it, I followed up by purchasing Into The Sun on DVD, which quickly became my favourite Seagal movie and the rest they say is history.

So I hope you all give me a warm welcome and allow me to contribute to the many discussions on this board.


LOL!!! I love the name!!! Welcome to the group - glad you like Into the Sun - that's my very favourite movie too. His movies are great and believe me, I've seen a lot of trashy movies in my long life LOLOL!!! He's the man!!!


Die Hard Seagal fan!
That's true Pandora, he's the man and well an 7th aikidoka, actor, producer, writer, musician etc. ;) You know what I mean ;)

And DrinkenMonkeyKungFu Welcome on the Unofficial Steven Seagal Forum ;)
Have a nice evening ;)