So is it confirmed yet if he will participate in Cyborg Nemesis?
Will Seagal be in Cyborg Nemesis after all?
Albert Pyun has teased this on his Facebook, saying that all will be revealed during a screening on the 16th I believe.
He also recently posted this:
I'm hoping the Pollygrind Festival will recognize Seagal, Sasha Mitchell, Joei Fulco, Dru-Anne Perry and Daniel Faust for awards. I think all five have a great shot along with Josef Cannon. All give superlative performances (yes, even Mr. Seagal).
The rest are the cast for Cyborg Nemesis, so this makes it sound like Seagal is indeed in the movie.
He also posted this teaser of the poster, that is Seagal on the left, isn't it?
I really don't know what to think of Albert's posts on Facebook. He is shouting out a lot of things and a lot is just wishfull thinking... We will have to wait and see.
I know, but putting Seagal on the poster and actually talking about how he gives a good performance in the movie is going pretty far.
If Seagal wasn't in the movie, I don't know if Albert would be still mentioning him at this point when the movie is just days away from premiering.
IF Seagal is not in the movie after all, then I wouldn't be able to believe another word Albert says.
Albert Pyun (a director I've always admired) has sadly had some real-life health-problems (multiple sclerosis and dementia) since announcing this project.....and given the ever-dwindling budgets he's had to work with since the early 2000's....I'd take what he says with a pinch of salt (it's likely he was trying to drum up some publicity for the movie, by name-dropping 'Seagal'....who I doubt he could afford, either then or now?)Does anyone know anything new about this movie and can confirm if Steven Seagal comes out yes or no.
Do you have a link regarding the Cannes Film Festival rights? I can't find it anywhere. Thanks!Rights were sold at this year's Cannes Film Festival (last week)