Exit Wounds Premier on Australian TV


New Member
Hi Everyone

Just as Belly of the Beast has been released on DVD yesterday, now comes the premier of Steven's Exit Wounds here in Australia this Sunday night. Lately on television channel nine in Australia have been showing lots of Steven's movies, obviously as preparation for the premier of Exit Wounds. Even though I have watched Exit Wounds many times since its release its always a great feeling to watch Steven's movies for the first time on television, its as if their new again to me. So I will watch Belly of the Beast on Friday night after work, and then on Sunday night I will be treated to Exit Wounds. What a week for Australian Seagal fans. I don't know about everyone else, but I love it when Steven goes in the electricity competition with the big guy at the police precinct in Exit Wounds. I was also hoping he would give the big guy a beating. Whatever people say about Steven, Exit Wounds shows that no matter what, when Steven wants to lose a little weight or whatever, noone does martial arts, and action movies like him. Steven has been my heroe since I was a young boy, and when I am depressed, or fed up with people attempting to bully or harm me, all I have to do is watch Steven do what he does best, which lifts my spirits and helps me to go on living. When I have thought in the past that life wasn't worth living, Steven Seagal's movies and philosophical interviews have inspired me to defeat bullies and life's problems. I thank Steven for this, I don't know what I would have done if Steven wasn't there to inspire me. This is how it is for many fans around the world, so I just wish that people would stop trying to bad mouth Steven and give him some praise where its due. Long live Steven Seagal and his acting career. There is a big year ahead.



I Belong To Steven
I am with you Nash! I Loved Exit Wounds, and I love this man! He is inspirational and he is wonderful! I am very saddened to see that he gets so little in the way of praise, and I honestly would want for nothing more than to be able to be by his side and love him and praise him for all the rest of my days...I think he is the most amazing man in the whole wide world! I am sorry to hear you've had such hard times in your life, sometimes people just aren't very understanding...There are lots of nice folks here, feel free to talk to me, anytime...I believe that Sensei is a very caring man beneath his tough exterior, I can feel the compassion radiate from inside him, it's really a great thing...:) Your post was so nice, thank-you, I am sure if he is reading that he would smile and be very glad to know that he has inspired us...:)



It's wonderful to hear what a positive influence Steven has had in your life. As long as there are truly dedicated fans such as you, Lotus, and many others here and other places, it really doesn't matter what others may say. They don't change our opinion in any way by expressing theirs, do they? And if you ever feel down or pressured by life, in addition to turning towards Steven's philosophies and way of life, you can turn towards your friends here, as well. :)

Enjoy your week of Steven on TV, Nash! I know here in the States, there are three stations that have been playing his movies every week for about four months now. I love it! As cut and edited as they are, I still watch them in bits and pieces when I'm able to.


New Member
Australian Exit Wounds Premier

Thanks so much for the kind words Serena and Lotussan, yes we will always be dedicated to Steven no matter what people say. I looked at the photos from Belly of the Beast and Steven's weight looks ok to me, why are people so obsessed with Steven's weight. I will give my review of Belly of the Beast next week.
