? for those who have Crystal Cave CD?


Staff member
Tiggy said:
Definately not a new version, and whatever the get out, HE, certainly didn't write it! My guess is, that it should be arrangement by SS not written - the words are exactly the same as in the sixties. Have to say though, his version is fantastic, the best I have ever heard - and I have heard some renditions of Lollipop over the years.
I have now listened to the entire albun several times, must confess the first time I heard it, I thought it was poor, but then I played it again several times on a really good system, and have had a remarkable change of heart on.
I still think tracks one and two are poor - boring and not that well sung - or maybe his voice is not right for them. 3 is great, can't fault it, and his guitar is fantastic.
4. Better Man is also great, and he reminds me a lot of Eric Clapton on this track. 5 Route 23 fab and again his great guitar is a joy to hear. 6 My God, A bit preachy (I know there is no such word!) and not sure in the current world situation if it is also not a little contentious, but it's the one I can't stop singing. 7. Lollipop - His voice on this is great and he seems to love singing it - the best. 8. Not for sale. Brilliant and he sounds great. 9. Another great track where he comes over so well. 10 Jealousy - not sure about this one, I think this was written from the heart, and is one that many artistes would identify with, but not sure the swearing goes with the Buddhist image.
11 and 12 don't think the Jamaican accent and style is for him, his voice is not strong enough. 13 Garee is a good track but not great, and fianlly, the light - too Eastern for me, but very well done, and a great track. The only thing I cannot understand is, why release it in France - and show no signs of releasing it anywhere else. this is not a cheap shove together quickly CD. It has been recorded and mixed and high quality venues, the packaging is good it is on a par production and cost wise with any of the top recording artistes - so why go to all that trouble to produce such a quality product without any publicity for such a limited audience?

Tiggy thank you very much for your review. I personally enjoyed from "Don't you cry" and "Better Man" !! I believe he is singing love songs very well !! ;) Also He is playing guitar very well.
Generally I enjoyed. it is a first one, very good for the beginning and lets tolarete him!! :)
in onenesss


I Belong To Steven
It was all so wonderful, I have no words to describe it...Very special, as ever...He is amazing for me...Beautiful voice, lyrics, guitar playing, and wow, I loved the drums for "better man" but there is no better man than Steven...Never for me, he is the best, now and forever, he's my #1!


I Belong To Steven
He's incredible....
I never imagined this album to be so amazing...
It is so wonderful...
He is so beautiful...
And I cannot hear it enough...
His voice says so much, it makes me feel everything when I hear him singing...
I am so happy for this album, it's truly a gift, from his heart, it is so special to hear and enjoy...
And it was a big surprise, too!
I was waiting for this for a long time, but thinking, it would never happen...
But I am so glad, this is one of the greatest things he has ever done...


Lucky Member
I loved the cd !! And he doesn't use voice doubles !!!! :)

I'm just joking, it was amazing gift from my great friend Suzi !!!

Thank you very much my dear friend !!!


Now that so many people have the CD and have listened to it a few times, do any of you have definate favourites. I adore Lollipop, his voice is different, he seems to be having fun, and the solo sections demonstrate the quality of his voice more than any other track. I also love Route 23, My god and Jealousy. Even those tracks Iwasn't too keen on are definately growing on me. I still cannot figure out why an album that has been produced to this quality - not a cheap option, has not been properly marketed.