Global warming: myth or reality?


New Member
I don't like snow, especially when it's so high on my "access path" that my little arms ;-) are not strong enough to throw it (Yes, I even get to shovel the white stuff up <BG>!) higher than the snow bank's level, and most of all I sure could do without the skiers' "litters", but still...... Should my Daughter have kids, and grand-kids, I'd love them all to have as much fun playing in that white stuff than she has... Actually, I'd hate it if they were to think that my generation has trashed the Planet... I also hate the idea that one day my Grand-Children might look at some old photos of whales the same way we now look at those of the Thylacinus cynocephalus...

Apparently many people still believe that the dangers/effects of global warming are something like a rumor, a myth...
Wishful thinking <G>?

On the other hand, it seems that more and more people "believe" that we are not that lucky... and amongst them are people much smarter than myself - which is certainly not hard to do, I agree <G>.

About the Antarctic:

About the Arctic:

I found those pages very interesting, but there are thousands more...

Myth or Reality.... What do *you* think...?



New Member
The reality of global warning!

In Alaska we are seeing the effects of global warning in large dramatic proportions. Since Bush's dilution and defeating 70% of the environmental protection initiated in earliar times, the changes are speeding up.

Alaska is dependent on tourism, oil, and commercial fishing. Commercial fishing changes in species and numbers of fish is really dramatic. Mega tons of fish have had to be dumped as deformed or sick. Our sea mammels are starving and we are seeing major deaths among polar bears, walrus, and seals. The sea birds also are suffering. In the yearts I have lived here I've watched the changes speeding up and most are not pretty except for milder weather making gardening more interesting.

At the same time are sea going people are seeing species of sea animals from the South moving North.

They say what goes around, comes around and looks like we are going to have major troubles for the pollution we've done to our planet to protect profits of big business.


Lucky Member
Global warming is not a myth, be sure of that !!!

It can be a possibilty... IF United States had signed the Kyoto Agreement.... but they refused to do so... Global Warming is yes, and unfortunately, a reality and will be getting worse in years to come...


New Member
I *am* sure it is no myth...
What scares me is that not everybody seems so sure, and that is why I posted those links.

We all are on the same boat, and this is something that concerns us all, whether we like it or not. I worry for the future generations, but in the present I feel for all the living beings/creatures who live there and are already affected.

"On deadly ground" was shot ten years ago. Many have seen it and still don't realise it was more than "just a movie", or maybe they *refuse* to believe because it is so scary...? But things have gotten worse since then, and as long as we refuse to believe, there is little "chance" that the necessary changes/actions will be made/taken.

Wouldn't the Kyoto Agreement have been signed by all, including the US, if "public opinion" had been more "urging"? but how can you feel concerned by something and put pressure on your "leaders" if you don't believe the issue is real...? On the other hand it is so easy to inform one'self that I don't really understand how anyone can pretend they "don't know"...

"Profits of big business" is a rule I do understand - although I don't agree with/support it - but are we so short-sighted that we can't see that the "profit" is only *short term* and already at our own/the World's expense...? Isn't it absolutely obvious that we will all pay the consequences and that the longer it will go on, the higher the "price" to pay will be...? What kind of profit will they make when there's nothing left to exhaust...? Are they all childless and totally careless about the future of their friends' / others' children? Or do they actually believe they can move to another planet or some comfy "starship" by the time there is no profit left to make here?

This is *greed* versus *survival*... How profitable can it be?
I'm too dumb, I don't get it.



Potters Clay
Global warming....I don't is getting cold here in New York ....Brr:D I will say that winters are not as harsh as when I was a child though. :)


candle lighter
Global warming IS VERY REAL. There's no spin to it! Unfortunately, one of the down-sides to the warming is that it could eventually lead to colder temps in north america and europe, lessening the growing seasons = food supply.
It may still "get cold" in winter (and those natural gas and heating bills will kill off a few of us) but the warming is real. Unfortunately, the scientists who have their heads in the sand won't know it until something comes along and kicks 'em in their be-hinds. The thawing perma-frost is already heaving oil pipelines up north as well as homes and buildings and roads falling into the ground.