I am backj!

Martina Taft

Steven Seagl Fan #1
Hello everyone i am back! :)
I hope you had a nice time lol Ive been enjoying a lot of Stevens movies since my last visit. My love for Steven grew out of control and i became really obsesed with him so i chose to not have anything to do with him for a long time but of course fate and the Senseis wise words drew me back. :)

i love all you people lol sepecially serena, yudansha, lotussan, suziwiong and oranguatang who are such devoted fans to Steven you put all other so-called "fans" to shame. ;-D I was amazed to see this nice forum doing so well and still going strong ! it shows your dedication to our Sensei and his teachings...

peace and love to all of you! i love you and i will be posting here hopefully more often from now on.

Love, M.