If aikido is impractical in a caged fight match?

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
Then, why is Sensei Steven Seagal allowing himself to train a cage fighter such as Silva with aikido techniques supposedly designed for today's UFC tournament fight matches?
Is this the age for aikidoka such as Sensei Seagal to present aikido as a format of self-defense in a possible future caged fight for all aikidokas or any fighter for that matter to discover aikido's effectiveness in a small enclosed space situation such as UFC ring matches?
Or, might this be the age and time necessary for aikido to be presented to the world to display it's helpfulness in a space where an aikidoka or a fighter's back is up against the wall literally in a caged ring, and how aikido could be useful, despite the peacefulness virtues of aikido?
I do believe we are seeing an evolving entrance and possible invitation to a new type of fighting to actually test aikido in a new light and realm concerning today's UFC fight's?
My observation may be wrong? What say ye' my fellow aikido practitioners and beginning aikido students from all levels?
Did O'Sensei train in similar situations in his time of discovering and establishing aikido?