Donald Lee Wilkey

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  • i jus wann apologise for my comment before i didnt mean nothing funny by it, but you havent got to keep thanking people for bieng on here, its a community for all seagal fans you have as much right as anybody to be here, peace
    What is my job title Don ..nothing that exciting iam an Domestic cleaner just go peoples home and clean them no job to big for my team..doesnt pay alot of money but keeps the wolves from my door my ex husband was nice enough to pay the house off so i just have to manage the up keep.. but any job is an job so many few and far between..
    Wow, could be... if so, i think it's on an unconscious level for most. They consciously wouldn't think reason that, but maybe their unconscious mind pushes that agenda to the conscious mind that provides 'more reasonable' arguments for the discomfort. You know a lot of racism it's said is evolutionary. That's no excuse for racism in this day and age but they say a built in fear of strangers is evolutionary and people who look different then ourselves is a type of stranger, it helped people to survive. But in no way should that bean excuse in this day and age. it's something we can overcome, but maybe on a unconscious level it's still there for some. Heck, on a conscious level it's still there for some too! Good point on why some my be SS haters! I'm still waking up drinking my coffee so I hope this came out coherent! Spell check is my friend!:)
    I'm ok thanks. Busy w/ school fulltime (midlife crises decided to get a degree finally). Yeah that painting is AWESOME! I'll search the post in the very near future... I have a textbook in my habnds right now and I'm trying to not be tempted by the net... tough temptation! I've been going back and forth on youtube w/ some Seagal hater... I just made a post about it and I keep being tempted to see his next reply... (I'm cerebralpsych on youtube).
    Hello there, I know long time know here, been out and about working on a quilt for my mother, it has taken alot longer than I thought it would, I thought it would be done by christmas, but no go there is always next christmas, I hope all is well with you, I hope to get back here alot sooner gotta go

    Love Always

    Red Rose
    Thanks, Friend, for the message. Donald, you know, where it is possible to find albums with Stephen's songs?
    Большое спасибо, Друг, за сообщение. Очень рад был его прочитать. Дональд, Вы не знаете, где можно найти альбомы с песнями Стивена? Заранее Вам признателен.
    Hi Donald,
    Nice to meeet you too. You are welcome and thank you for wanting to be my friend. Have a great day!
    Hi Mr. Wilkey How are you doing, Just made it here, Been out working on the yard, and going swimming, I just decided to drop you a note, and see how things are going

    Love always

    Red Rose
    Hi Don!
    Although it's a bit too hot weather here at the moment I'm fine, thanks, and you?
    If I receive new informations about Stevens upcoming projects, I will post it in the forum.
    I hope you had a good start in the new week.
    Best, Martin
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