legal issues


New Member
sorry this is gonna sound SO LAME
but i really dont know how stuff works legally about:
im making a website and would i be allowed to link steven seagals website thru it and talk about him?
lol i kno the answers probably yes but i thought id ask you guys (my friends!)
first b4 doing it.
lol please dont laugh! i kno its prob ok to


Huge Member
Hey dude.

As far as your question goes - it's a bit of a grey area, legally. Strictly speaking, probably 99% of internet fan sites are illegal, as the site author does not have the copyright for the pictures, videos and articles, nor do you have copyright for sound samples, songs for download, lyrics and interviews etc. You don't even own the right to use the celebrity's name in the fansite title. That's the general theory, but since most fansites advertise the products of a celebrity, are free to view and the site author makes no money from the ownership of the website, then it is highly unlikely that any legal action will be taken.

The wonder of the internet is that so many people create unofficial websites about their favourite actors that any legal implications (in terms of the likelihood that you would be sued for posting incorrect or inaccurate information or displaying a copywrited photograph) are negligible. Everyone else does it. Anything that harms the ability of the actor or artist to sell his or her work (such as entire movies available for download, defamatory remarks, incorrect or inaccurate information etc.) is unfair and illegal.

Hope some of this has helped you.
