Marked For Death cut out scenes


"Lookin fit Nelson"
Hey did anyone notice in the trailer of Marked For Death at the end Hatcher is talkin with Tito Barqo(sp?), the cuban drug kingpin... quick lil tidbit at the end of the trailer with Hatcher being asked if he's some kinda cop...He replies, no im just a concerned citizen(or something like that) but I thought it was interesting and was wondering if anyone knew about anything else that was cut out of M4D...


New Member
Cut scenes

Most films have tonnes of footage and scenes that were cut but didn't make it into the final master. Luckily us Steve fans often get to see bits that didn't make it into the film. Look close at the Marked for Death trailer and you'll also see a throat chop which isn't in the film (though this shot is cut from the UK trailer). The Hard to Kill trailer also has stuff in it that wasn't in the film such as shots of a funeral, the Out for Justice has others including Forsythe shooting a gun in a store and Gino's boss saying "The body count's going up Gino", On Deadly Ground has tonnes including love scenes between Taft and Joan Chen, a knife being pulled and John C Mginley saying "Get rid of the problem", some Fire Down Below trailers show the gas station blowing up as it was originally shot and snippets of Marg Helgenberger shooting a gun and shots from another chase that was cut. The list goes on and on!

Steve :)


Well-Known Member
I remember a diffrent camera-angle in the GM trailer in the parkinglot fightscene.


New Member
The Glimmer Man

Oops forgot that one, that's right there are a few in that too, the trailer includes Wayans saying "I hope we hurry up and find this killer so I don't have to be with your crazy ass much longer." which doesn't appear in the film.


come get some
and in the Hard To Kill trailer of course there is the classic trailer-only delivery of "Take THAT to the bank"... Would dearly love to see all the footage related to that scene (he seems to be saying it just after fighting and defeating a baddie :D)


That takes all the interesting parts out of the films...Perhaps if they put them on the videos Seagal fimls would have become even more popular,huh?


Concerning ODG,who's got the deleted scenes here?Or I'd rather say a movie without deleted scenes deleted,in other words,with those deleted scenes included.