Merv Griffin Show tape


New Member
Does anyone know where one might be able to obtain a copy of the Merv Griffin Show in 1984 featuring Steven Seagal and Haruo Matsuoka?

I tried e-mailing NBC and have heard nothing.


I Belong To Steven
No idea, but god would I love to see that...
I didn't even know about sensei in 1984...
I have seen very little in the way of live
appearances and interviews involving him,
or maybe he just hasn't done all that many...
Good Luck, and if you hear anything, please
let us know!


come get some
This is a good idea, I'd like to see this footage myslef.

If contacting NBC didn't work, try to find out some other place that archives TV shows. Merv Griffin was pretty popular in its day, so it shouldn't be that difficult I don't think.

I'll try a web search and get back to you...


New Member
If any of you read the article on Matsuoka Sensei in the July issue of Black Belt Magazine... he mentions appearing on the Merv Griffin Show.

I simply love to watch Matsuoka Sensei's ukemi. Wow! I'd love to add this footage to my tiny little collection.

Did various internet searches and came up with no substantial leads.


Active Member
I wouldn't bother searching the web in itself for'll need to search the auction sites,(like if you go to E-Bay right now you'll see the Jayne Mansfield appearance on Merv Griffin show tape) private video traders, post on varios boards asking for itetc...I'd like to get my hands on some of the mid-80's demostrations they did also....
It was James Colburn; who was a student of Bruce Lee that watched Seagal & Matuoka performing a demostration of Aikido(was pretty well unknown in the US in those days); he was so impressed by their Aikido that he arranged for them to appear on various TV shows during that time..I myself never saw any particular show mentioned; but I know if it's to be found; it's going to be thru a 'private' venture.....
I'm still looking to come across the Regis & Kathy Lee show (Spring '94) that Seagal appeared on for the whole hour & half......he was promoting the upcoming 'On Deadly Ground' and they were discussing enviormental issues; etc.....yeah I know Reg & Kat Lee?
I wouldn't have believed had I not watched it
Someone's got them....just a matter of putting in the time and keeping your eye open to find them.
Not too long ago their was a Japanese video on E-Bay that featured Matsuoka...I have no idea what year; but they did mention that Seagal was not in it.