Disposition Seagal
I don't know which thread I read it on but I remember someone stating that Seagal's best were ATL, OFJ, & HTK and that they think he should do movies like that again. I kind of liked Seagal's middle movie period (TGM, ODG, TP, FDB, etc.) better. Don't get me wrong, those three are top favorites (though I shudder to think of ever having a gun put to my head and name my favorite SS movies from most to least liked) I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think I've seen enough of Seagal playing a CIA agent, or cop, or militant (at least in US 2 he is on leave). I enjoy the newer stories (I mean the stories) where he is an EX-agent of some sort like ODG, HTK, TP, BOTB, MFD, and US 2. All in all though, I guess as long as the movies are overall better than TF & OFAK than I'll be happy