If production starts in April, shouldn't there be some news now?
By the way, it's almost a year since he filmed a movie.
I hope there will be news the next days at EFM. Aldamisa has a Facebook fan page, maybe we could ask them there if there won’t be any news the next days.
Neither Aldamisa nor Premiere do have their announced Seagal films in their EFM catalogue. http://issuu.com/mb-insight/docs/screen_berlin_product_guide_2015lr
What’s going on??
Yes, it looks like “Code of Honor” will be made, the question is when they finally will start it.
And about “Cypher”: Sergei Bespalov from Aldamisa is on twitter. Do you think it’s ok to ask him there directly about Cypher? I mean, he’s the co-chairman, it’s probably a bit inappropriate to contact him? I know, I’m a bit shy…