Operation Seawolf - Dolph Lundgren

Forrest Taft

Active Member
Really like Dolph as a person but he hasn't made a decent action movie since Silent Trigger in '96.

Remember seeing one called Blackjack in the late 90's on the assumption Dolph and John Woo would make a good combo. I was wrong.

An Agent Red, Bridge of Dragons and Command Performance later and I gave up.


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Really like Dolph as a person but he hasn't made a decent action movie since Silent Trigger in '96.

Remember seeing one called Blackjack in the late 90's on the assumption Dolph and John Woo would make a good combo. I was wrong.

An Agent Red, Bridge of Dragons and Command Performance later and I gave up.

You really should check out Skin Trade. it's one of his best dtv's!

Forrest Taft

Active Member
Doh, sorry forgot that one. Have actually seen Skin Trade and it was okay. Just not in the leagues of Men of War, Silent Trigger, The Shooter, The Punisher or Dark Angel.

Somewhere around Blackjack he seemed to change acting wise too. He seemed really natural in front of the camera in movies like Men of War but something seems missing from 1998 onwards.


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Oh and The Mechanik was also a very good dtv action movie in my opinion! Really like that one. Dolph also directed it.

Forrest Taft

Active Member
Doesn’t bode well that I’ve seen some of these and completely forgot about them! Remember The Mechanik being pretty grim but not too bad. Starred Ben Cross who passed away recently.

lee nicholson

Well-Known Member
Really like Dolph as a person but he hasn't made a decent action movie since Silent Trigger in '96.

Remember seeing one called Blackjack in the late 90's on the assumption Dolph and John Woo would make a good combo. I was wrong.

An Agent Red, Bridge of Dragons and Command Performance later and I gave up.

Yeah, I like Dolph too.....He put's in the hard work (on both sides of the camera) but I find most of his output deathly dull. He (invariably) plays 'Russians' throughout his career (thanks to his break-out role in 'Rocky IV') but he slunk into DTV land, long before the likes of JCVD or Seagal. Now (in his sixties) he has quite a few movies in the pipeline, but can only really get projects done (by-and-large) in ensemble pieces nowadays, and (despite his determination and workload) his budgets are really low (and sadly, it shows up on screen)

To counter balance this, if Seagal put in a fifth of the hard work that Lundgren (or Van Damme) did....he'd be easily back on the big screen.....Dolph would kill for the breaks that Seagal gets (even now) but sadly, he lacks any genuine on-screen charisma. It's a shame he never made an outright MA movie (which highlighted his 'Shotokan' skills) as that might have helped his career or (at very least) gave him a movie of worth in the 21st century. Both Seagal and Van Damme are known (first-and-foremost) as MA stars...But Lundgren (despite his proficient abilities) was never really categorized as such (and without a defining, successful, leading role, he's been the eternal bridesmaid since the mid-nineties...sadly)
It doesn't help that his accent is still rather thick....and (worse of all) he's seems to be nursing a decade-old debilitating leg injury (which was extremely noticable in 'Battle Of The Damned' and hasn't seemed to heal in subsequent movies)

I'll still watch Dolph's movies (and wish him all the best) but I have a feeling they'll be as deathly dull (as ever)

Before it sounds like I'm outright ragging on the guy, I really enjoyed:
Army Of One
Dark Angel
Men Of War
The Punisher

And I quite liked 'Bridge of Dragons' for what it was (a quirky, imaginative actioner, directed by Issac Florentine, no less)

Forrest Taft

Active Member
He made some classics from the late 80's to mid-90's:

Army of One
The Punisher
Dark Angel
Showdown in Little Tokyo
Men of War
Cover Up
Universal Soldier
Silent Trigger
The Shooter

None of them really set the box-office alight (Universal Soldier excepted but it's not a solo Dolph movie) but they were still light-years ahead of the junk that followed.

Men of War I'd say is his best movie, well made with an awesome cast and a decent story. It was meant to go theatrical but certain people in the industry whose names are now unmentionable reputedly dumped it to video not confident a Dolph Lundgren movie was worth it. If you can find an uncut version in its original scope, it's an excellent film. Unfortunately, TV channels seem to prefer broadcasting it full-screen in unbearably fuzzy prints.

Am a huge Stallone fan but have just never "gotten" Rocky so am kind of indifferent to Rocky IV.

Bklyn Bryan

Active Member
Really like Dolph as a person but he hasn't made a decent action movie since Silent Trigger in '96.

Remember seeing one called Blackjack in the late 90's on the assumption Dolph and John Woo would make a good combo. I was wrong.

An Agent Red, Bridge of Dragons and Command Performance later and I gave up.

Have you seen "The Defender", "Icarus", and "Missionary Man"? Also, like some other people have said: "Skintrade" was great (I saw it at the movie theater). I liked the third Uni Sol movie (Universal Soldier: Regeneration). Dolph does have some misses here and there (as does Seagal and JCVD).

Forrest Taft

Active Member
Skin Trade was okay but pretty generic.

Have tried with a few but just couldn't get through The Defender, Command Performance, Agent Red or Missionary Man. They were just too cheap and uninvolving.

As with all the old school action heroes, they could still be great in a decent film with a decent budget, but the cheapness of the productions, and the lack of interesting stories, let them down every time.

Even Bruce Willis seems to be going that way now. Saw the remake of Death Wish and was just longing for the return of Charles Bronson which obviously isn't going to happen any time soon.


His last few movies were a little disappointing so hopefully this will be better.

Also a few of his recent films that i personally find to be worth checking out that havent been mentioned above:
Don't Kill It
Legendary (probably not for everyone but if you're a fan of low-budget creature features and Dolph/Adkins you'll love this)
The Package
Russian Specialist


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His last few movies were a little disappointing so hopefully this will be better.

Also a few of his recent films that i personally find to be worth checking out that havent been mentioned above:
Don't Kill It
Legendary (probably not for everyone but if you're a fan of low-budget creature features and Dolph/Adkins you'll love this)
The Package
Russian Specialist

Yes, I liked Don't Kill It!
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No one mention Kindergarten Kop 2? :eek:

I enjoyed quite a few of Dolph's movies, but haven't seen any of his most recent ones.

The Meckanik for me was one of his better ones. I thought Command Performance wasn't too bad. Was expecting Skin Trade to be better than it was so watched it with high expectations and was a bit disappointed. He has certainly churned out the movies in the past years, even quicker it seems than Seagal's DTV releases.


Kindergarten Cop 2 wasn't great but as a Dolph fan I enjoyed seeing him in a comedy film. They both have an extensive output but with exception of a few of his recent films most of them are quite well done. I'd easily recommend The Package and Riot for action films and Legendary, Battle of the Damned and Don't Kill It if you're a fan of those genres.