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  • Saw your top 10 movie list. I am currently making an action film of my own. Im an amateur actor/director from Australia Theres a few fight scene on facebook and a teaser trailer. films called Urban Lockdown, check it out and 'like' the page. would love your feedback and tips to make it as cool as Seagals flicks, i thin kyou will get a kick out of it.
    Dear Simon,
    Hi! My name is Igor and I am writinig you from Ukraine. I have one kind request to you. Could you help me with info of Steven Seagal? I mean live photos, photos from Internet, back issues of mags. of Steven etc. If you are interested in it or if you know anybody who can help me, please, give your reply!


    Igor Grinchenko, Ukraine
    Thank you very much for your greeting Simon. Might I add you to my friends list? ^^
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