Reviews From Canada Concerts


New Member
Hi Suziwong, 'Babygirl' is Yvette 'Baby Girl' Preyer, who plays the drums with 'Thunderbox' Steven Seagals Band, I hope that has been of some help to you, I hope you get the chance to see them, It was my 1st ever concert on wednesday night at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and it was brilliant in every way, apart from my camera wasn't working properly, I managed to get 1 or 2 good photo's will get them on as soon as possible.


suzyr4458;171599 said:
who the hell is Ben Rayner??? send the bloody pillock brained moron to the gallows!!! how dare he! criticise Steven Seagal in the way he has, I suppose he is a perfect gentleman in every way, shape, & form, with looks like a greek god! pull the other one, more like some little geek thats stone jealous of our gorgeous & truly talented Mr Seagal. What a pain in the butt, best ignored, his type!!!!

Girl you go!!!! tell that dunderhead to go shove it...that guy is just an wanna be (of what) stuff knows if the only thing he can do is put down Steven like that then he is an donkey..hope that you get those pics soon ..


New Member
Thank you Heather Dear, men like him should be well stuffed & well cremated over red a hot charcoal open fire, either that or spit-roasted alive over that kind of fire. Brainless punk, hope all his bits rot & drop off!!! ugly-minded horror!!! As soon as I find out how to send these few photo's on my laptop I will, I'm a bit thick in that way, it takes me a while to sort things out, will be in touch soon Heather! Best Wishes, suzyr4458.


When you are ready girl iam sure we will like them alot ..i think you and i are 'birds of an feather' girl have you heard that expression before? means that if any one talks about people we give an dam about then they are only asking for trouble...i would really like to say an few things girl but you are doing fine on this all by your self..keep up the good P.S. Iam sure he would be proud of his girls back here sticking up for him and keeping the home fires burning dont you think?..