Seagal pleads for baby elephants

Amos Stevens

New Member
Steven Seagal pleads for baby elephants

February 11 2003 at 06:57AM

Bangkok - Hollywood actor Steven Seagal has written a letter to Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra urging him to order a stop to the "systematic torture" of baby elephants, the English-language newspaper The Nation reported on Tuesday.

Seagal referred to a recent accusation by representatives of People for the Ethical Treatment of Elephants (Peta) that young elephants were allegedly routinely mistreated to make them "compliant" so they could be used as attractions in tourist entertainment facilities.

"One hundred years ago Thailand had 15 000 elephants. Today there are only 5 000, the majority of which are in private hands," the action-movie actor wrote according to the newspaper report.

He asked the prime minister in his letter to "immediately enact laws to abolish their use and abuse by the entertainment industry".

Peta activists say the elephant-training ritual, known as "phaajaan", involved forcefully separating young elephants from their mothers, confining them to tiny wooden cages, depriving them of food and water and beating them with nail-studded sticks to prepare them for a life of servitude in one of Thailand's many elephant camps.

Local elephant handlers denied the torture allegations, saying the ritual had been proven over hundreds of years as an effective, but not necessarily cruel, means to accustom young pachyderms to humans and "taking the edge off a potentially dangerous, wild animal".

Traditionally, elephants have been highly revered in Thailand not only as domesticated working animals in the forestry industry but also as a symbol of the Thai monarchy.

A Peta report on the alleged torturing ritual, which appears to have formed the basis of Seagal's letter, met with strong denials from both the government and local handlers when it was released several weeks ago and also posted on the Internet. - Sapa-DP

Mama San

Thank you for bringing this to us!
A little good news, as far as Steven is concerned, for a change!
I do hope his pleas do not go unanswered!
God bless,
Mama san


I Belong To Steven
Awww, he's so compassionate for those critters...Isn't that sweet? Elephants are very smart animals, it's sad that they are being abused and suffering so...
I think that perhaps they (elephants) are so revered in Thailand, because of thier relation to Buddhism, as I remember reading in the encylopedia, when I was very young, that a white elephant was present in a dream that fortold the miraculous birth of the Buddha....:) Here is a link to the story....


Active Member
Don't know if that's current of not.......but if it is I can now see why that article about Seagal dis-respecting 'certian customs' in Thailand may have been the reason for it....remember that article (that's posted) about Seagal maybe having trouble filming his new movie BOTB in Thailand because he dis-respected the local customs......?


Staff member

Steven Seagal & Prime minister of Thailand (Feb. 7, 2003)

Mama San

I'm sorry that this may not belong here but I have a question!!!

I have noticed that, how ever beautiful they may be, Steven's jackets/shirts seem to always have extra long sleeves! I have noticed, too, that stars like Whoopi Goldberg and many other stars, both male and female, wears these long, long sleeves!
Is there some point to this? Is it a fashion statement or something else?
Just curious!!!
God bless,
Mama san


I Belong To Steven
No idea about the sleeves, Casey...Sometimes Steven wears sleevless ones too, like when hes playing guitaur and showing off those gorgeooous masculine arms of his, heh...I like....:D


Trust me to miss something like this, I just hope that they listen to Steven..Please save the baby elephants..They are the future if they keep killing any 'animal' the only place that we will see them is in the zoo..Heather....Ohhh i have an excuse i hadnt joined when this story came out..Hey Amos about this story what happened did they listen.


I Belong To Steven
Steven is a wise man, they would do good to listen...
Those poor things, and they are babies no less...
How could anyone be so mean to them?
He's such a brave and wonderful guy to step up and tell them to knock it off...
And he's passionate about the things that really matter, and that's something
I am real proud of him for, and something I really admire him the for...
Maybe you have your bad moments like anyone sensei, but I love you no
matter what, because you know when it really counts...
You are something else, Steven!
I adore you! :)