Sensei's Voice

Did anyone notice that Steven has a most unusual voice? In a good way I had coined it "velvet voice" to some here before. I was thrilled to learn I was not the only one to notice that. It has a purpose a certain tone which affects our nerves and causes us to listen to him.

He's a master bar none and got master of the year one year well deserved Im sure. But I have never heard any other actor talk like that and I noticed when he talked I did listen to him more cause he speaks just above a whisper. Not to mention women love to hear men talk like that no wonder he has 6 kids. (thats a compliment Steven)

But when he talks on live TV he speaks about the same someone told me it had to do with his training in Japan where talkitiveness is frowned upon esp in Aikido he was to do more listening as a master but could voice his opinions just fine. On hard to Kill her had a pretty good set of lungs when they shot his wife (did anyone notice when they came back to scene he was on the bed holding her hand cause he thought he was gone to and he wanted to be with her)
(did anyone catch Kellys mistake when they ran thru the house as hes taking her out to get away from gunmen and they run out the door she says buried in the sound of gunfire "Oh ..Steven" it's on there-I think it really startled her the way it sounded it WASNT scripted that way..if you have the film look for it ..its there..


Steve's Destiny
Nice voice indeed, but this should be in the "General" or "Off topic" section.


I Belong To Steven
I am with suzi...:D
Thank-You SAS, just talking about it makes me feel good...:)
He's so special in EVERY way, most of all his spirituality is just beautiful...
I have fallen in love with this big, soft spoken, most amazing, man!


Disposition Seagal
I didn't notice the thing in Hard to Kill. I'll try to catch it if I remember next time I watch it. Anyone else notice that? I really like everything about Sensei Steven Seagal and I try to talk like he does in a way that pulls folks in. It is definately tough to do so props to him. Of course, most things he does it would take someone a lot of practice to do don't you think?


I Belong To Steven
Huh? :confused:
Sorry, but I don't think you can't "just do" those things...
Or talk a certain way...
I don't think he's trying to pull anyone in, that's a very insulting thing to say, if you ask me...
I think his martial arts skills have taken a great deal of practice and dedication,
but as far his charm and his voice go, those things aren't contrived, they just come naturally....


Lotus, I don't think ZenLateralus meant any harm at all. By "pulls folks in", I think he may have meant that people who speak in that low, husky kind of voice tend to draw people closer to them so you make sure you hear every word. It's really quite effective and makes for very personal encounters. I actually think his post sounded very respectful. :)


Mountains out of mole hills ...

LOL Serena I agree ... I don't even know how that could be interpreted as an insult of any sort. What kind of tea were you drinking - something special from Texas? I'd like to try some :=))


I Belong To Steven
Serena said:
Lotus, I don't think ZenLateralus meant any harm at all. By "pulls folks in", I think he may have meant that people who speak in that low, husky kind of voice tend to draw people closer to them so you make sure you hear every word. It's really quite effective and makes for very personal encounters. I actually think his post sounded very respectful. :)

Oh, ok...I'm sorry Zen...:(
I guess I misunderstood you...
Oh Serena, that voice is like warm honey, very soothing...:)
It makes me want to be sooooooooooo close to him...
And I'm surely not the only one...
I know what just what you mean...
But seems it's changed a little at times, odd isn't it?
There are so many more things that he's got going for him, though...
What a man...
He's the only one for me...:)


I Belong To Steven
Sweet voice of smooth silk
Speaking so softly to me
I hear you, darling
©Apr 2004 by:TLW, all rights reserved.


New Member
ZenLateralus said:
I didn't notice the thing in Hard to Kill. I'll try to catch it if I remember next time I watch it. Anyone else notice that? I really like everything about Sensei Steven Seagal and I try to talk like he does in a way that pulls folks in. It is definately tough to do so props to him. Of course, most things he does it would take someone a lot of practice to do don't you think?

Nah, it's not that hard. All you need is laryngitis or a hangover. But then again, laryngitis and hangovers dont make you Seagal. They make you sick and stupid; quite the opposite from Seagal I'm afraid. Unless this is sick as in "man, that movie was sick awesome."


Disposition Seagal
I'm sorry that my earlier statements were somewhat misunderstood. I think very very highly of Sensei Seagal and wouldn't make statements that would mean him any harm. I think the world of the guy and wish I could be more like him. The above laryngitis and hangover comments seem odd to me though...


Steve's Destiny

I don't see why you have to appologize for other people's misunderstanding.
Some people are way too sensitive/ deffensive that is why most of the time I choose not to post.


Steve's Destiny

It is very possible to learn how to modulate your voice. Most artists (singers and actors) have been trained to do just that. That is what voice coaching is for. Now don't make an issue out of this ...
As for his charm that is only something you imagine ... You'd have to meet him to know for sure.

Lotussan said:
Huh? :confused:
Sorry, but I don't think you can't "just do" those things...
Or talk a certain way...
I don't think he's trying to pull anyone in, that's a very insulting thing to say, if you ask me...
I think his martial arts skills have taken a great deal of practice and dedication,
but as far his charm and his voice go, those things aren't contrived, they just come naturally....


I Belong To Steven
ok, Jalu, no big deal, but I know you must think he's very charming in some way...
Maybe it's just his looks you like? I doubt if the voice is anything but natural,
although I do know you have a point, as it's common knowledge that many actors have had voice coaching to lose their accents...I am already charmed by him, no question...


I Belong To Steven
I honestly think his charisma is rare, I don't think he would ever have gotten where he is without it...It's there, no doubt, and I'm certain I'll just be all the more smitten with him when I finally do meet him...:)
sensei's rounds

He had this saying of telling people when he's leaving "you never know where I'll turn up or when" aint it the truth..

Thatsd why I liked the message he left on the toilet lid when I think vernon pulled it up said "anticipation of death is worse than death itself" uh huh and look at the mans expression hes got his number alright.

The part about Kelly was when he was taking her through the house a s the bad guys were breaking in they were going out and some glas breaks ad gunshots etc. (thats why its hard to hear and she says "Oh Steven " as he takes her out of the house should have been characters name..

Happened on Three men and a baby too Tom Selleck was up there about 3rd floor with a hardhat and hit his head on something beam I think (hes 6'4 too) and one of the guys said good goin Tom. instead of the characters name they left it in and has anyone seen the ghost in that one..hes there a little boy standing partially behind the drapes he has no feet and the cameraman swears he was not there when they shot it.

its eerie everytime I see and I put it on pause no feet and Tom said there was no one allowed there when they filmed that and evidence the drapes are perfectly straight while filming if he was hiding behind them there'd be an outline. no ones solved it yet..


I Belong To Steven
Steven dear, if you turn up here try and warn me first, huh? :D
Ok, ok, maybe I'm just dreaming, but you never know eh? ;)


Potters Clay
I like how he uses the voice he has. It can be very magnetic and very appealing, then in his movies at times it is cool and menecing. I guess that is how I want to say it. WOW!:)