Shambala,Somati and Origination Of Mankind


Muldashev's works are what I'm studying at the moment and I thought you might find this article interesting.It sums up his major explorations he made.


I recently read a newspaper article about Shambala. This article explains what Shambala is, also tells the story of one scientist and his findings and research.

Article states that there is no clear explanation of what Shambala is, and none of the dictionaries present an explanation to the meaning of Shambala. It does refer to a book called “Encyclopedia of the Unknown” by M, Grand 1998. This book provides a quick description of what Shambala is. “Legendary place, dwelling of the holly and gods in Himalayan Mountains, exact location is unknown. In the beginning of 20th century several research groups tried to find Shamabala, but the real location is still a mystery.

Then article refers to a Russian scientist, Ernst Muldashev, who tried to find the legendary Shambala, and find an answer. Muldashev first started his research when he was still in college, from time to time he met people who talked about Shambala, and it intrigued him.

Shambala is a place where all genome of the humankind, and previous civilizations, kept. This place is very remote, hard to find and is protected by mysterious forces. Entrance to this place is in a cave, and there are a lot of those caves all over the world. Only people with clear mind and clean soul can come in, and only after they had special meditation. Muldashev found one of the caves. It was hard and long process, but he was lucky to meet with some Indian scientists, who told him where he may find more about Shambala.

Muldashev was lead to a small and remote village in Tibetian mountains, where he met with two special people who could come in this Somati-Cave. They were the only ones who were allowed to do so. They told him that you can only come in after long meditation, and you must have a clean soul. Entrance for all other people will be impossible, or deadly. He was allowed to visit this cave because they believed that Muldashev was one of the guards of Somati-Cave in Russia. There are many caves like this one all over the world, and each of them is guarded.

This cave was several kilometers away from the village, and was surrounded by rocks and mountains. Cave looks normal, nothing unusual, but when you go inside, the entrance is blocked by metal door. One of the special people opened a door for him, and Muldashev went in. He said that it was cold and dark inside, but there was no fear, after he walked about 30 meters he started to feel growing headache and feeling of worry. He says that it felt like the soul wanted to jump out, and get out. He said that headache and feel of worry was not his own, it felt like something was making him feel sick.

Muldashev and group of scientists tried to understand the beginning of humankind, and tried to locate where it all began. They analyzed eyes of all races on Earth, and came to a conclusion that our ancestors came from Tibet. Also they tried to find more information on previous civilization, Atlantis. After searching, asking all historians, and scientists in this field, and going through all ancient records. They found out what Atlanteans looked like. Muldashev: ”Atlanteans had telepathic organ third eye, their nose and mouth were sort of connected not sticking out like ours, their rib cage was a lot bigger, and other differences”. He says that when they showed this picture to one of those special people, he was amazed and asked if they were in the Somati-Cave.

The guards of the Somati-Cave, or special people, had told him that this cave stores millions of bodies, for millions of years from ancient civilizations. Just in case if one civilization wipes itself out, there is a genome storage ready for later use. It happened several times on Earth when genome had to be reused.

Muldashev and scientists also found that Atlanteans were a warlike race and fought eachother constantly. They used hypnosis to kill their enemy. Their ability to use telekinesis allowed them to move large objects, like stones. Article doesn’t state clearly if Atlanteans were the ones who built the pyramids, but it does say that according to research pyramids are 80 thousand years old.

Because Atlanteans could use the telepathy, and were connected to the “knowledge of the Universe” they could create great technology, but because of that they also destroyed themselves. So later genome of the humankind, humans, was stripped of telepathic abilities, and closed from the knowledge of the Universe.

Source. Gorizont (Horizon) newspaper in Denver. N9/214 March 2003.

Galaxy Explorer.


Above The Law
tora said:
Muldashev's works are what I'm studying at the moment and I thought you might find this article interesting.It sums up his major explorations he made.


I recently read a newspaper article about Shambala. This article explains what Shambala is, also tells the story of one scientist and his findings and research.

Article states that there is no clear explanation of what Shambala is, and none of the dictionaries present an explanation to the meaning of Shambala. It does refer to a book called “Encyclopedia of the Unknown” by M, Grand 1998. This book provides a quick description of what Shambala is. “Legendary place, dwelling of the holly and gods in Himalayan Mountains, exact location is unknown. In the beginning of 20th century several research groups tried to find Shamabala, but the real location is still a mystery.

Then article refers to a Russian scientist, Ernst Muldashev, who tried to find the legendary Shambala, and find an answer. Muldashev first started his research when he was still in college, from time to time he met people who talked about Shambala, and it intrigued him.

Shambala is a place where all genome of the humankind, and previous civilizations, kept. This place is very remote, hard to find and is protected by mysterious forces. Entrance to this place is in a cave, and there are a lot of those caves all over the world. Only people with clear mind and clean soul can come in, and only after they had special meditation. Muldashev found one of the caves. It was hard and long process, but he was lucky to meet with some Indian scientists, who told him where he may find more about Shambala.

Muldashev was lead to a small and remote village in Tibetian mountains, where he met with two special people who could come in this Somati-Cave. They were the only ones who were allowed to do so. They told him that you can only come in after long meditation, and you must have a clean soul. Entrance for all other people will be impossible, or deadly. He was allowed to visit this cave because they believed that Muldashev was one of the guards of Somati-Cave in Russia. There are many caves like this one all over the world, and each of them is guarded.

This cave was several kilometers away from the village, and was surrounded by rocks and mountains. Cave looks normal, nothing unusual, but when you go inside, the entrance is blocked by metal door. One of the special people opened a door for him, and Muldashev went in. He said that it was cold and dark inside, but there was no fear, after he walked about 30 meters he started to feel growing headache and feeling of worry. He says that it felt like the soul wanted to jump out, and get out. He said that headache and feel of worry was not his own, it felt like something was making him feel sick.

Muldashev and group of scientists tried to understand the beginning of humankind, and tried to locate where it all began. They analyzed eyes of all races on Earth, and came to a conclusion that our ancestors came from Tibet. Also they tried to find more information on previous civilization, Atlantis. After searching, asking all historians, and scientists in this field, and going through all ancient records. They found out what Atlanteans looked like. Muldashev: ”Atlanteans had telepathic organ third eye, their nose and mouth were sort of connected not sticking out like ours, their rib cage was a lot bigger, and other differences”. He says that when they showed this picture to one of those special people, he was amazed and asked if they were in the Somati-Cave.

The guards of the Somati-Cave, or special people, had told him that this cave stores millions of bodies, for millions of years from ancient civilizations. Just in case if one civilization wipes itself out, there is a genome storage ready for later use. It happened several times on Earth when genome had to be reused.

Muldashev and scientists also found that Atlanteans were a warlike race and fought eachother constantly. They used hypnosis to kill their enemy. Their ability to use telekinesis allowed them to move large objects, like stones. Article doesn’t state clearly if Atlanteans were the ones who built the pyramids, but it does say that according to research pyramids are 80 thousand years old.

Because Atlanteans could use the telepathy, and were connected to the “knowledge of the Universe” they could create great technology, but because of that they also destroyed themselves. So later genome of the humankind, humans, was stripped of telepathic abilities, and closed from the knowledge of the Universe.

Source. Gorizont (Horizon) newspaper in Denver. N9/214 March 2003.

Galaxy Explorer.

Very interesting good read thanks!

Amos Stevens

New Member
Thanks Tora!

Here is some more:

A Definition of Shambhala
In the Buddhist tradition of Tibet, Shambhala has three meanings.

Externally, Shambhala was a geographic location, a seat of inspiration where the Buddha taught the Kalachakra Tantra, the Tantra of the Wheel of Time. In the mythology of Pon, the native religion of Tibet, Shambhala was a Central Asian kingdom, the origin and center of the world whence issued all spiritual energies.

Internally, Shambhala is the dharma chakra, located in the heart of all beings. It is the symbol for mind, completing the trinity of body, speech, and mind.

The esoteric meaning of Shambhala is tathagatagarbha, buddha-nature, the essence of all things. It transcends existence and non-existence and is the ground of both samsara and nirvana.

According to the Kalachakra Tantra, the Emperor of Shambhala, Rigden, waged war against and subdued the Three Lords of Materialism: the Lord of Form, the Lord of Speech, and the Lord of Mind. In the Dark Age these Three Lords extend their power and seduction, enslaving the human mind with psychological and spiritual materialism. When Shambhala is acknowledged--when buddha-nature shines through--the strategies of the Three Lords become irrelevant and the teachings of the Kalachakra Tantra are realized.


And you were talking about brain washing some time ago ...

It could be an all out war in here if I start posting my opinion on this 'scientist.' A great ready though, thanks Tora ... wouldn't it make a great fiction novel.


Whatever.I may be a blondie,lacking brains,but too funny at times but you're not the one to say you're absolutely right and all others are absolutely wrong.Coz you don't know who you're dealing with...Or maybe you already know?


So if you want an open war...


Try this!


Tora bring the game, and I'll play along...

I'm not saying that everybody else is absolutely wrong. All I'm saying is that I am not absolutely wrong!


Maybe some of it is fishy and inconceivable but what do you say about this scientist?He held 2 expeditions to Tibet and did some researches.Those are not bare fantasies.


And what do you say about Somati?Crap too,eh?And raj-yogas practice too?What do you know about Tibet at all?


What do I know? Do you Did you have to ask?

Tora what do YOU know about Tibet? All you probably know are the words passed to you through paper. And as you know, the word of a mouth can very well be unreliable. Don't get angry here.


Staff member
From the article:

The symbolic eyes:





"The eye is what gives us information. It determines how we see the world, and to a large extent how we experience reality. The eye says as much about the outer world, but it says just as much, if not more, about ourselves. There is a proverb saying that the eye is the mirror of the soul, alternatively that to under- stand what the person is like it is enough to look into his or her eyes. The eye tells us not only about the character of a person, but can reflect the physical state of the whole body. Some doctors use the eye for diagnostics. This method, which was used in olden times, is still used by a few physicians under the name “irridodiagnostics”. In some way, the eye is something like database of the human being."

I especially interest with 3th symbolic eyes !! :D


The 3rd pair of eyes (not the 3rd eye, although I think I have one :=))

Yes Suzi that 3rd pair of eyes LOL (seems too similar to my avatar :=)
And talking about "the eye is something like database of the human being" - don't you know that eye scanning is becoming a thing at the airports and many high-tech secure firms, where the iris and the retina get scanned to identify the individual, it's like a different form of finger-printing, but much more accurate (although if the lighting conditions are bad, the device does not work well at all, but new devices can even see through some sun glasses).


Steve's Destiny
Yes, Yudansha...some banks are also looking to change their ATM system for this.

I'm not so outdated you see... :D


I don't believe everything Muldashev says but I take some aspects of his theory and investigate.And care to say I do disagree with him on some terms and some of his statements do not coincide with what I had known before and what I get to know from the other sources.But however,there's something to think about.


No arguments from me ... not with Tora :=)

LOL Tora "calm" ... perhaps "peace" is a better word :=))

Yes :=) Jalu, I just found it interesting to point out (I didn't mean you were outdated ... and I think you saw it that way too, so if that's the case, then thanks :=)

Tora - no arguments from me :=)


Remember that song: "I feel good ..." :=))

You win. (as you said :=) to lose is to win, but who's fighting so there is no battle and thus no losers or winners).


New Member
My anthropologist friends say:

Muldashev is/was a phoney. His brief visits to Tibet were conducted in the capital and as far as any one knows he never left town. By the way, travel any where in Tibet is and was so restricted that foreign traveler visits are very well documented.


I may talk to you about it,Hallarian.These days it's hard to tell the truth from lies.
Wait,let me ask you,what do they say about Blavatskaya?Was she a phoney too?