Board Rules:
General: Posts must be kept on-topic. If posts appear that are not related to the subject in the original post these will be deleted. If a moderator closes a thread you will also get a private message from the moderator letting you know why it was closed.
These rules are also applicable for other parts of the site too such as the chat room, gallery, etc.
No Double Posting: Posting a reply in a thread where you have just posted. This is not allowed.
No Image Hotlinking: Do not link to an image on another website using the IMG BB Code! You can include images as attachments! The cause of this rule is due to bandwidth of other sites being used when hotlinking. Webmasters do not like this. If you upload an image as an attachment advise where you got the image from. Update: Images that are not family safe shall not be posted in the gallery or the forum.
No foul or abusive language: This is mostly moderated by the forum software automatically, but some words are not!
No bullying: Do not gang up or bully another member. If you notice anyone bulling another member please report the post or send myself or another site moderator a private message.
No illegal activity: No posting of illegal programs or any software that's available for purchase. This includes links to downloads (including YouTube or similar) of Steven Seagal's music and movies!
No trolling: Do not post messages that are created to get people riled up on purpose!
Post in the correct forum: Check the forum section that you are about to create a new topic in is the correct one. Do not post any non Steven Seagal topic in the Steven Seagal section, etc..
Advertising Not Allowed: Contact myself or another moderator if you wish to advertise products on the board.
Descriptive Subject Titles: This makes it easier for members to quickly understand what the topic is about.
Members abusing the above rules will probably get a warning before they are banned unless their case is extreme. The board moderators may also think a temporary ban is appropriate.
Signatures: Images are allowed as your signature provided they are not greater than 50Kb, the dimensions are no greater than 650 x 150 pixels and in JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG format. Do not hotlink to an image on a website not belonging to you!!