

Potters Clay
This is a touchy topic

Jace said:
If men of our day have not seen the phenomena of levitation,transportation, dematerialisation and materialisation, if they have been victims of hallucinations fake and fraud then peter and the others must also be victims of such.What jesus has predicted is coming to pass.
The church has been so successful in excommunicating,persecuting and even burning those possessed of the gifts of spirit that it is a wonder there are any left and though they are surrounded by nulliffying unbelief they can in a modified form continue the works that jesus did.And it is these 'signs and miracles' being done by or through mediums that make it possible for intelligent persons alive today not to disbelieve in the 'signs and wonders' done by or through jesus.
I really know little about this.I went to the concordance on where to find things in the bible. There were several verses in Romans, Hebrews and Revelations, and the book of Acts that talk about signs and wonders of God. It also warns against ones coming in His name(false witnessing by imposters). I just steer away from the ones I am unsure on. I feel I would be messing with fire. That is just a personal choice. I would think it harsh to burn someone for what they do. I will leave the judging to God.


New Member
Hi, hl-angel!

Nice to "meet" you...! :)))
I understand how you feel, although I have finally settled down somewhere, where I feel I belong. It took a while <G>, but it sure feels good...

All these things from the past that you mention are still around. There are still people who will help you without any hope of "profit", places where you can leave your house and car doors open, where children can safely play out of their Mother's sight... there are still people who believe in those stories that others call "myths"... some still take money out of their pocket to put it inside a beggars' hat... Many things have changed, but I don't think that human nature has changed much. There has always been good and bad in any civilisation and any time/era. There was a time when almost every child could die because of a simple appendicitis... when giving birth was a really risky job <G>... when knowing plants and owning a black cat could lead you to the stake... when the suzerain could pick your Daughter by the hair and do whatever he wanted with/to her... when you would never have let your child play on the street because of the fetid fange that ran alongside (translation?)...when the landlord could kick you out of the house with your kids and keep all your belongings... and all sorts of sweet things ;-) of the same vein.
There are still lots and lots of people who will cut their coat in two to keep you warm, people who get out of their way to help whoever whenever they can, people who drop whatever they're holding in order to lend a helping hand. The medias talk much less about those than about the latest serial killer, or war in Irak/wherever, that's it...

I think we should not judge people... ever... whether we think we know them or not. Judgement is always "tinted" by our own experiences/beliefs/education/lots and lots of things. No one is born bad... things happened that, along with a person's genes - and "memories", if you believe in reincarnation <G> - and lots of other factors, made that person what he/she is and led him/her to do ill/bad to another living being. You can tell what they did is bad or criminal, but you can't tell what this person is really "worth". Should I have been through what my neighbour (this is just a figure of speech: my "next-door" neighbour is a sweet nonagenarian! <G>) had to face in his life, maybe I'd have become a terrorist... Who knows everything...?

We can focus on the bad/ugly sides and feel angry, sad, or devastated... it will only bring more anger/sadness/devastation in this world... OR we can concentrate on the good/beauty of this world and bring Light in our hearts and make it shine on the outside... Like we can curse the oil spillers (translation?) and cry over the victims, or send healing thoughts, light, love to alleviate their pain... and find ourselves with more energy to address the "issue" in any positive way we can find, and concentrate on the things we can do rather than on the things we can do nothing about...

The way I see it, if a "value" is good/positive, it does not belong to a given time frame, it belongs to you if you make it yours and the time you were born is always right. Feeling out of place or time has probably happened to each one of us at a time of our lives, but I strongly doubt many (any?) of us will still have that feeling when the time to leave has come... actually a great many find out where they belong much earlier than that ;-))))

I would enjoy talking with you privately if you wish...

Any way, all this is just my two cents, of course, and I am, again, happy to have "met" you.

Take care, hl-angel... and Wellness to you and yours.


hl-angel said:
My question was not one of which religion is right or wrong. It was never intended to cause problems or cause people pain.
I am sorry if my question has caused you and upset.
I have looked at many things in my life and tried to work out where i belong in life as i never seem to settle in one place for long.
During this search i found that all through history wars have been blamed on religion as it seems easier to say that men fight for religion rather than because of greed and envy.
Through this we have destroyed our planet and turned against each other.
Here in this forum we all have a common ground and that is Steven Seagal.
Before the dawn of science man believed that anything that had a shadow had a soul, that the stars in the sky at night were the people who had passed on watching over us. they had stories to explain why the sun rose in the morning and the moon came out at night, we now call them myths.
Life was simple and man helped and looked after their fellow man.
We no longer seem to have this, if we see someone begging in the street because they have nothing we walk past, we no longer seem to care about those who have less than us.
I think that this is wrong and that we should learn about people before we judge them.
Is this being spiritual or religious???
How many races have we almost wiped off the face of the earth in the search for more lands????
The native Indians of America said that they did not own the land but that they belonged to it. They seemed to know that we only have a short time on this Earth and that we should live in harmony with it, nourish and look after it.
There were tribes in the rain forests that are no longer there because other men wanted the trees for wood and cut them down.
We poison our waters with pollution and chemicals because it's cheaper to dump the stuff than dispose of it properly.
This is what i feel is wrong with our world, Man's greed.
Isn't it about time we learnt from the mistakes that have been made throughout history and tried to make things right instead of continuing to destroy???
I was once told that i was born in the wrong time zone because i search for somewhere with the old fashioned values of neighbors helping neighbors, a time where our children were safe to walk down the street or play out of our sight as we didn't have to worry about bad people doing bad things to them. It was a time when everybody knew everybody else and looked after other people's children as they would their own.
It seems we now just follow blindly to what we are told and no longer ask questions as to why we are doing what we do.
Anyway we all have a mind of our own and we all believe what we want to believe, i just wondered if anyone else felt the same or if i was alone in my thoughts.


Steve's Destiny
For whatever is worth...

Just follow your own heart, and if you make mistakes let them be you own.
There are many people who are so eager to help.... but can they really do it?
It's better to find out things for yourself than to be as they say blind led by the blind.

hl-angel said:
It's HLangel here.
Id like to ask your opinions if i may. It seems to me that Steven Segal has tried to look at spirituality in many different respects. It is stated on the web that he was brought up as a christian.
Since then there have been many rumors saying that he has looked at many different religions and that he is now a buddist I think.
Anyway the point is what is religion and spirituality really about???
I look at it all as being how we live our lives and treat other people we meet. I am a catholic but i no longer go to church as i have become disillusioned with my faith.
To me it doesn't matter who you believe in as long as you treat others with the same respect and goodwill in which we would like them to treat us. Have i got this wrong.


Potters Clay
You are right

Jalu said:
Just follow your own heart, and if you make mistakes let them be you own.
There are many people who are so eager to help.... but can they really do it?
It's better to find out things for yourself than to be as they say blind led by the blind.
Sometimes the best way to learn things is to make the mistake yourself. It is nice though when I can learn from someone else and not have to make the mistake myself.....but sometimes I have to learn the hard way. That is what I get for being stubborn. :indiffere
People will try to help you and sometimes they can; other times they just get in the way.
I have heard that phrase "Blind leading the blind." It helps if they know what they are talking about. For example we had someone come to "fix" our computer last June. TWICE! He even tried to show us how to do certain things on it. :rolleyes: We gave up and took it to a person who knew what they were doing. VOLA!! I am back on line!! :)


New Member
Finding the spark of God in me was what i was waiting all my life. I have so much energy to do things beyond what I can hope for. My inspiration that spark came from a very simple question is when you ask yourself this “What is my purpose on earth?” It is hard to even begin to answer it for we are too comfortable with our life, when we consider that divine purpose that has been set for each of us we know that we are not put here by mistake, and that struck me so hard I felt sick because no one can tell you what is your purpose, that I felt so lost like a boy lost in the dark woods, where all the trees, rocks and landmarks look the same, and I can no longer see the north star because the branches are in the way.

But I remember in the bible it says “In all thy way acknowledge him, and he shall direct they paths” and I prayed and said father help me here I know your there, answer me to do your will. And it was then I felt something warm in my soul and I was filled with my purpose and that was to touched the lives of others along my journey to the place I called “there” now when I say “there” it is different from everybody you will reach your “there” it is not a neighborhood one lives is, you cant find it on the map, it is a place in life all wise people seek. It is a place where your soul starts to sing where you feel accomplished and this apply to everyone being old or young it is the core of life to find your purpose and maximize your god given talents. We all have a task to play, and the goal of this game is to get to the kingdom of heaven not by ways of shortcut but by taking every step and letting god be the wind beneath your wings.


Wayne Fonseca
"If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body be full of light" -- Matthew 6:22. Cf.LUKE 11:34-36.


New Member
Hi-Angel excellent points.

The discussions above are how I see spirituality. They enrich and expand my enjoyment, learning. and help me understand the service to whihc I was called as a young girl.

Too often the Spirituality section has degenerated into disagreements about one's choice of faith which doesn't help anyone and is certainly upsetting.

I think most people know that I believe every faith is true and is the right one for someone. One faith is fully the truth as any other. In fact the people of the Book, (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) use the same Book.

Our spirituality is an essential part of our oneness and can be talked about fully and beautifully without insulting anyone's beliefs.