Steven Seagal Autograph made out to Philip Sensei



Just had no idea where to put it.Links to the aikido site so I thought I'd finally put it here.


I Belong To Steven
Thank you my dear friends, I have seen this before, but still very interesting of course!
I love you both...:)
But, most of all I love Steven Seagal!
What a neat note, huh?
Someday I want his autograph, but better on a marriage license! :D
Like Jack says, wouldn't that be better? :D
Well, I can always dream about him if not, huh? ;)


Geez...what a terrible handwriting...not a word I can figure out...:rolleyes:
I guess his calligraphy is supposed to be a whole lot better.:D


Is he a doctor? Perhaps ...

LOL Tora, let me try: "To Philip Lee Thanks for the ... Steven Seagal 1/27/97"
LOL I'm not any better at deciphering such eventhough I'm used to doctor's handwriting.


Wow!Serena,go and get a prize now!Go eat some cake with Mason-I'm pretty sure he's gonna share some with you :D


Work = Force * Distance; Great Work = Serena!

Thanks Serena, you're good :=) !

But what's that between an 'r' and a 'k' in 'work' ... that's why I couldn't figure it out.

The word 'great' to me looked like 'goat' LOL so I was wondering LOL...
From 'work' I could only make out 'wo' but the character from 'o' to 'k' to me looked like an 'n' so ... great work Serena!


Purplelotus1 said:
Thanks for the good work ( that is what it says )

That's what I thought at first, Pur. But I still think it's "great". Of course, that's going by my Latin training with the docs. :D


smartass Tora telling her smartass remarks to the supposedly smartass comments

Now where's justice? He's calls himself a detective. Let's see what he says.
used to it

to Philip Lee
Thanks for the good work 1/27/97 Steven Seagal

just gotta know how he signs his stuff Im used to seeing that "g" and the "d"

I have a n authentic one from On Deadly Ground and could compare them took me a moment too but het I was a bio major so Im used to profesors writing which isnt far off from Dr. or Stevens .

Steven speaks several languages very well and writes Japanese and English so he writes kinda between the two /kanji style maybe I noticed that and when I started writing asian I did the same thing so in our eyes as a MA you get used to seeing that kind of writing master hand as we call it and he certainly is that.