Tibetan Buddhist Monks

Does any one know the update on how the Tibetan Buddhist Monks are doing, who were imprisoned by the Chinese trying to destroy Tibetan Culture? I pray that the LORD ADONAI-YAHWEH ELOHEM will help set them free, soon, because they do not deserve this treatment.They are always so loving and kind. I pray the LORD will soften & change the hearts of the Chinese, who are oppressing the Tibetan People, as well as oppressing their own people. "May we all learn patience so that we may experience the fullness of True Joy and True Freedom"-Quote by me-Stacey. I pray you all have a Blessed Day!

Blue Violet

New Member

I am not sure about the particular monks that you are talking about. However, I do know that for the approaching Olympic Games that the Chinese government has been putting people in jail that would be apt to demonstrate against the government during the games. So people that were free could possibly have been imprisoned again.

Mama San

And China is what my country has declared it to be at "favored nation" status!
Sorry, but when people are imprisioned for what they believe or speak
out against their governments or they are worked in slave labor
conditions and with little to no pay, then they are no better off than the
poorest of people in Iraq, under Saddam Hussein.
I am not a Buddhist nor do I believe in Buddhism but I do believe in kindness, understanding and compassion with those who are different from me.

My Bible tells me that one must confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in order to
go to Heaven when one dies. Which I do gladly! "Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord"!! I am deeply troubled and have great remorse for
those who do not know Him. But I could never mistreat any of them!!! My job is to spread the Good News! Tell others about Him! If they refuse to listen........then I'm sorry but I have done all that I can do! The next step belongs to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
I'm sorry, I didn't really mean to preach at you. It's just that my love for my Jesus is
so great I just feel that every one in the whole wide world would want to be told because time is getting very, very short! The Lord will not tarry much longer....the signs become more clearer with
each passing day!
God bless,
Mama san/Casey
Hi Mama san

I do believe that YESHUA-CHRIST JESUS is the ONLY way to ADONAI-JEHOVAH YAHWEH ELOHEM-(the GOD Of Abraham, Issaic & Jacob), for one to be Saved and I do believe what the HOLY BIBLE says about that And I believe in being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT-with gifts of Knowledge, Wisdom, Understand, Visions & Physical Healing through the HOLY SPIRIT. The LORD showed me In Yesha'Yahu(Isaiah), that even if my fellow man is worshiping a false idol, they are sill my brother.... I saw it for myself.... The Bible also says that Paul became all things to all men, so that some may be saved, without comprimising his faith in the LORD ADONAI-YAHWEH ELOHEM & YESHUA CHRIST JESUS.... Some are called to be missionaries to other cultures and the LORD gives those missionaries specific gifts & tallents & and knowledge that HE does not give to everyone...we all can't do the exact same thing in the exact same places or nothing would ever get done(we each have our place within the Body of CHRIST, for those who believe and are saved by HIM).... Love hopes all things (sees the best in every situation)... things the LORD points out for us to notice and speak of and encourage those who are lost, in LOVE for ADONAI GOD, Is LOVE... HE also calls us to Peace with all, as much as possible, without comprimising our faith....that is in the NT....ADONAI said HIS ways are Not Our Ways, and HIS thoughts are NOT our thoghts, but that they are HIGHER than ours... HE sees all things and knows all things, so HE will give each of us what we need, whenever we need it, for HIS purpose and HIS glory. Nothing is impossible with the LORD. Who are we to say that someone may never get saved because they are in a false religion? The LORD knows their heart and sees their heart....I truly believe the LORD when HE said our Steps are Ordered of HIM, when we submit to to HIM every day...Yielding our mind, body, soul & spirit to HIM....When we open ourselves up to HIM, HE will Show us great and mighty things that we know not in the natural human state of mind/human way of thinking & seeing.....Beyond the natural into the supernatural....HE is Not dead and the Bible says YESHUA is the same Yesterday, today and forever... so what HE said we could and would do in HIS Name for the Kingdom of ADONAI, to his 12 disciples and followers/believers when HE walked the face of the earth, is still the SAME to us Today....HE was our Example in everything.... The pharasees & saducees even accused YESHUA of sinning by sitting with/fellowshipping with "publicans & sinners"..... I Hope & Pray you have a Blessed Day and it was Nice to hear from you again.


It's all very nice to believe what you believe and talk about it, a form of evangelism.
i have lived in china, I know what chinese people think.
they are very proud of their country, they are sick of being the odd man outl
they don't always agree with their governors, china is slowly changing, it is not even the china of 4-5 years ago.trnsformation anbde change takes years, look at the history of china in the last century. some history is good, some bad, lets' not point the finger, look inot our own government's responsibilities on the track record of human rights.
not everyone believes in god or jesus christ, but in china they started spiritualism with Taoism and Lao Tze was a great prophet for china.
Look at the ancient book of changes, 5000 years of history, this ancient book of wisdom was founded on the holy spirit speaking through the chinese ancient prophets, good for those people at that time and i even use its wisdom even now.
look if we are to be truly global then lets look at things globally, and realise that though it's good to be an idealist, we must look reality in the face and realise that this planet consists of different diverse peoples with different cultures and beliefs and if we talk about our cherished beliefs then let it be good for us, let's not form cexclusive clubs that only those that believe as we do can belong to that club and everyone else is suspect.
Human rights and a failure to adhere to them can be in every nation, even the richest or poorest.
the truth is that injustice exists on every level everywhere, it is just gratifying to know that sometimes there is a glimmer of justice occuring sometime somewhere.
religion and religiosity , ritual, belief systems sustains us as we walk through the valleys of shadows and death, in good times and bad.
I prefer to have an open mind and continue praying, accepting, not accepting,
the Serenity prayer says it all for me.

god Grant me the Serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

I continue to pray for the poor, the dyinbg, the oppressed everywhere on this planet.

love and best wishes to all

Blue Violet

New Member
Interesting Halkush....how long did you live in China?
It's true that no place in the world is free from persecution.
That's why I would really like to see Steven Seagal make more movies that are focused global tolerance of others beliefs.
I purchased Urban Justice (I think that is the title) I could hardly get through it because of the F*** Y**'s.
Steven Seagal is a intelligent man who has the potential to make incredible movies. I buy all of his movies/cd's because I believe that he does many good things with the money that he has.
I just keep waiting for the "really good" movies to come along. His music is great. I just think that he hasn't made his best movie YET, but he will, and I think it will really "kick a**" and he wouldn't have to beat up anyone!
Hi Halkush!

Hi Halkush! Forgive my mannors, I forgot you were from an Asian Country? Are you and your family alright? I pray none of them were affected by the cyclone. Obviously you are alright because you are still able to communicate with us, via internet, but that doen't mean you were not affected in soem way & using soemone elses computer or a portable laptop to signin. I am glad to see you are alright. One of my best freinds & his wife (of 21 years), are from Taiwan and another friend I haven't seen in years, is from Beijing, China. They are the ones who taught me the little bit of Mandarin Chinese I know how to speak, read and write. I Wish I knew more than I do, because it is beautiful, but the 5 tones are what is most difficult for me to master....LOL! If you speak it, then you know what I am speaking of... Again, I am so glad you seem to be alright. Sincerely Your Sister, Stacey


I am a Ukrainian australian, emigrated to australia when I was only a baby.
grew up here until I met my chinese Husband from malaysia.
Hve lived in Malaysia, singapore, Hong Kong and shanghai, have homes in all of theses countries.
Was introduced to Steven seagal via husband who is a martial arts exponent. He says steven seagal's Martial arts in fantastic, on a very high level, that's why he watches him. i watch him becuase i have read so much more about Steven, his multi talents, his music, his charities, his spiritual beliefs.to me he encompasses more than the characters he portrays in his movies.
we have just come from 5 months living in malaysia and 3 weeks in Hong Kong, the news in asia is so different than reading and listening to news in the western media. it is more realistic and not biased.Living in asia, one is exposed to both sides of the story and one learns not to believe everything you read about China in the western press.
I speak mandarin and cantonese and mix freely with the local people in china and Hong Kong.
I know their mentality, what they think of their governments and how proud they are to be chinese.
god bless you all,

"Way! Knee-How-Mah?" (my phonetical way of writing how those specific words sound to me). That is amazing! You are so blessed to be exposed to/experience all of those cultures and nationalities. I have longed to do that since I was a little girl, at 8 years of age. Do you also speak any Russian? I know a good bit of Russian, as well and have a lot of books, dictionaries, Bibles, language learning tapes, ect...in Russian and have friends in Regia Latvia; Moscow Russia and one Messianic Jewish CHRISTian friend from Russia who lives in Isreal now. "Zstrahtz-weetz-ee-uh! Kahg-dill-lah? Rahz-reh-sheh-teh Prit-stah-vitz-zuh Men-yah-zah-voot Stacey. Kahk-wah-zahvoo?" (again, my phonetical spelling for how those specific words sound to me, in Russian). Again, I am glad you did not have to experience that storm but pray those who did, will recover from this. I worry about all those children who may have lost their parents; especially the small ones...I wish there was more I could do, besides cry & pray for them. I have 2 small children of my own(4 & 5, as well as a 14 yr. old soon to be 15 in July), and I can't imagine them without me or family to take care of them. My oldest daughter has lost her father back in 2002, when she was only 8 -soon 9 yrs. old. That was a shock & hardship on us both...Love & Prayers, Stacey


I also speak Russian, ukrainian,Polish and understand Serbian as well as Croatian.
Once you know one Slovonic language, it's easy to pick up the rest.
I'm so sorry about your loss and the loss of your little girl when she was only 8-9 years old.
It takes a long time to get over something like that loss.
Buddhism helps with ongoing acceptance as well as other religions which have their own unique ways of coping with losses in life.
Whenthe tsunami hit in Indonesia in december 26th 2004 i was in perth Western australia and the aftermath, the deaths, and deprivation got to me , as any disaster on the scale of earthquakes in pakistan and china, volcanic eruptions and cyclonic devastation to people, homes, families and economies brings such human suffering.
Budhism says that we all suffer becuase we are attached and attachments bring with them suffering. it teaches detachment but that is an ongoing lesson in life which only after ages come acceptance that these things will always happen. It still poses the greatest question in life? why does God allow these things to happen.
One of the great questions in life, it's beyond me, I just feel so much empathy and sympathy for all people who suffer.I love you and your family.
it brings me a measure of relief to love steven seagal and follow his endeavours with his multi talents on this site and meet other like minded people like yourself who have suffered.
O-chin-Speh-cee-buh/Chehy-chehy Halkush!

"O-chin-speh-cee-buh, Halkush, for your kindness, but I didn't loose my oldest daughter to death; I only lost her father when my oldest daughter was only 8 yrs. old(she is now 14 soon 15 and 6 ft. tall); my ex- was born 4-21-48 and died 5-17-2002, so he really wasn't that old, making his death such a huge shock. I am sorry that I may have typed it in such a misunderstood way. Although, Thank GOD ADONAI I didn't loose my daughter, I CAN Relate to MUCH Suffering and MUCH Hardship....! More than you could ever imagine in my soon-to-be 40 years of life. Sometimes it is hard to understand why things happen and at times hard to accept, but regardless-of/or-inspite-of my humanness, I have come to understand that some of our most valuable lessons can be learned during hardship and that GOD can use it for good in our lives; whatever the devil meant for bad, GOD can use it for good. I know that we agree on that but just say it different ways. I certainly do feel like you are my sister and I see that you have a kind heart. Looks like we have a lot of the same interest but you are wiser than me when it comes to other languages and cultural experiences.... I am not fluient in the many languages I know a little of, but sounds like you are(the only thing I am fluient in, is American Sign Language-used for people who can not hear and/or speak). That is Wonderful, to be given those gifts by GOD, to be able to speak all of those languages you speak. Those Russian/Russian-like languages are So Beautiful....Actually, most all languages sound like beautiful music to me, but I am particularly fond of specific ones. Nice to hear from you again. GOD Bless, My Sister! Love Your Sister, Stacey