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  • Hello, yes, all is as well as can be. Thank you for your visit and kindness. Be well and God Bless.
    Happy Mothers Day, Halyna! I pray you have a Blessed time with all your children and grandcildren! Happy Mothers Day to your Mom, too! Sending Hugs your way! Missing you being gone.

    Love Always Your Sister,
    Good Afternoon, My Sister! I could look up the time difference but been too busy... eventually I will, LOL! I am so happy 4U, that U & your husband get 2visit such a beautiful & richly diverse culture! How Blessed U R 2have such an opportunity. Take pictures & post some 4us, if U can. I would love 2see them.

    Yes, please do keep in touch, we miss U when U R gone for so long. I pray your mother is doing well. Give her a hug from my children & me.

    I was blessed @church yesterday.. we had a missionary visiting from Russia. His wife is Russian & he is American. They live in Russian, mostly. I spoke 2him N Russian & sang a Christian song I know N Russian, 2him & he understood. He is fluent in Russian, though, where I am not... Wish I were... many languages, wish I were fluent N.... I forgot 2ask if he ever visits Ukrania. I must go for now....Take care my Sister & I pray U have very blessed trip!

    Love Always Your Sister,
    Lovely to hear from you as always Stacey,
    if you are in Louisianna , and i am in Hong kOng, it pays to know the time difference.

    i mean sometimes you post me a letter and it's your bedtime and it's my morning. I will find out.

    On Monday 27th april, my husband and i are flying to Kuala Lumpur for 3 months.

    there is a melting pot of different foods, cultures, religions and languages there, love it, it is so exotic, colourful, the shops don't close until 10 pm or later and all the road side stalls open up until midnight.
    Because of the hot tropical climate, , it is very sunny and hot in the mornings and rains heavily in the afternoons, people come out at night, it is such a gay , happy country.Very cheap to live there too.

    I wil keep in touch with you.
    My prayers, love and thoughts go with you and your children.

    Hi Halyna! I never really studied time zones before. I am assuming that it is morning there, when it is evening here. Looks like I need to read & study more than I already do... LOL! Glad you are starting off to a bright morning. It always makes my day brighter to hear from you, as well, my Sister. I am getting ready for bed and decided to check all my emails before going to sleep. Glad I did. I walked my 2 miles today, inspite of the blisters on the bottom of my feet.... I feel a lot better when I can go walking, to stay in good health. When I walk, it is also part of my prayer & meditation time. I did better today, with my walking... 2 1/2 miles in 30 minutes. Well I must go to sleep now. I need my rest... being 40, is catching up to me...LOL! But as said before, I'm fighthing the aging process every step of the way... At least physically, anyway, the best I can...LOL! Hope you have a blessed day!

    Love Always Your Sister,
    Sorry to hear of your health problems! I will certainly keep you in my prayers, as always, but more specific this time. I hope the doctors can find what's wrong and help you with traditional & Natural therapies. Natural is Always best but Sometimes traditional methods, are unfortunately, necessary. Blessed Heather, she gets to go horse back riding! I do miss it so! Maybe one day I can go horseback riding again, when I have the time and teach my children, too.

    Take care, my Sister! I pray you and your family have a Blessed Day!

    Love Always Your Sister,
    Good Evening Halyna! I just came back from walking. I had intended on walking 2 miles like I usually do but could only walk 1, due to being barefoot on a concrete walking track... I forgot to put my walkin shoes in the car and now I bare the brunt of blisters on the bottoms of my feet....well, at least I walked 1 mile in 15 minutes!!!! LOL! Very true! I believe that was the fasted walk I ever took....I at least want to do some good but obviously it wasn't so good for my feet....other than to help toughen up my feet, LOL! I felt like I was going through training, again.... LOL!
    since i was gone, there were alot of soul searching i have been and am still doing. Have been working on preparing meself to grow in God's love for meself and for others.
    Hello Stacey,
    Lovely of you to drop me alone, so spiritual, faith , it comes after I get some serenity, looking at nature or praying, listening to good music or just sitting still and feeling my feelings.

    Love and prayers to you and the family too.
    Hi there Helather,

    Still no water in Adelaide?
    I thnk this is the longest drought in history in victoria too.
    Life is about to travel againk, this time to Malaysia and to hospital to do multiple tests on my healthy, so many things but just starting up in their infancy, better to nip it in the bud and take care of myself now while I'm still alive and kicking.

    At least you have that magnificent hobby of riding horses.
    Love and best wishes,
    Good evening my Precious Sister! I know, it can be so hard sometimes! You are doing the right thing to pray like that and to stand your ground, in Faith! I do that all the time! Over the past Month & 1/2 I have grown in my faith and learned to stand my ground, on the Promises of my GOD ADONAI! It helps to spend quiet time early in the morn, outside, then again late at night, before bed time. I love hearing all the birds and pond life, around my house. I have been very blessed with my GOD's presence in the gentle breeze, for months now..... HE helps give me new courage to face each day, with wisdom & guidance that follows....! I will keep you and your family in my prayers, as always, every day! I Love you my Sister!

    Love Always Your Sister,
    Hi halkush how are you today?.. its an lovely sunday afternoon here my cat is sunning her self soaking up those sun rays..wish it would rian though my poor vegetable garden is looking quiet sad ..but i do sneakingly water it sshhhhhhhh....

    Thank you for your kind words,
    And strength we do need indeed.
    sometimes a feel i am falling over my face to please everybody and what they want from me.
    This morning I went to my room and prayed, read something spiritual and handed over everything, all my concerns, my concerns for myself, my family, i said," I can't, You Can, I Let go and let God, so You can do for me what I cannot do myself."
    Love and prayers to you and your family,
    Oh, My Sister! I am sorry to hear your mom is sick in the hospital... I will keep her in my prayers! I wish the doctors would consider herbal remedies because their is an herb that would help get that fluid out of her lungs. It is called elecampagne. I purchase it from a health food store, about 30 minutes away from my home. Not too far. Any way, Only by the Grace of GOD, My sister! Only by the Grace of GOD. The Joy of the LORD is my Strength... His Holy Spirit is my Guide! Thank you for your prayers! I will certainly pray for your mom and your family in a few minutes, after I prepare supper for my children. I Love you My Sister! Take care! May the LORD give you the strength to do all you need to do!

    Love Always Your Sister,
    Hi Stacey,
    Super Woman , mother writer, etc, I know what it's like having little ones to care for without a partner, my husband was never around during their years from 9 to 18 becuase he went bankrupt and had to travel to make the bread. along with that he was abusive when he was home, life is never easy.but we have our faith, our belief that if we just keep the faith and do our own footwork God will do the rest and everything eventually falls into place. I pray for our health, for all the fruits of God's Holy spirit to be bestowed on you and your family.
    My mother is in hospital yet again, fluid on the lungs, has blocked her air passage ways, I'll be praying and ringing her today in Melbourne.

    Hi my Sister! Sorry for always being in a hurry! I always have SO MUCH To Do! As the saying goes, "A Mother's work is never done...like it goes on and on and on like the energizer bunny...LOL! It is so true... ALways so many things to tend to....if you know what I mean... But Guess What, I'm not gona let that abuser stress me...I am More than a Conqueror, Throgh my YESHUA CHRIST JESUS, who Loves my Children&me! My GOD ADONAI will take care of him...GOD Don' like ugly... Sorry to hear about your flat over in Shanghi...I will pray about it, for you! missed you and I am so glad you are back!

    Take care my Sister, I really have to go now... sorry so short....tell your Mom hello for me and give her a hug from my children and me. .....later....really must go now.

    Love Always Your Sister,
    Thank you for accepting to be my friend Myst.
    i love your witty posts and certainly love to laugh with you.
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