upcoming seagal plots


Well-Known Member
what do you lot think of the plot lines in seagals new films

1.belly of beast-the plot is not that good but hopefully the action scenes will make up for it...also it gives the chance for seagal to work in a diffenrent country and with a god hong kong director

2.unleashed-the plot sounds quite good with seagal playing a bad guy(i think you could class a bounty hunter as a bad guy)and maybe some good action scenes with ringo lam on board...just hope its not a boring film like the foreinger and it puts more action scenes in.by the way it says seagal sets out to capture a criminal mastermind or something like that..anyone any ideas to who they could get to play the role?

3.out of reach-this could be good if the budget is used wisely and it gets backing from a distributer(miramax and sony rumoured)and it will be good to see seagal up against shulze although the plot sounds like they may not be that many action scenes(hope i am wrong)

4.into the sun-out of the 4 upcoming films this sounds the best if they used the original script and keep dugarry as director.....and it must have warner bros involved as well


I Belong To Steven
All very interesting, especially the bounty hunter role...
If you think about he always has an air of 'bad' present because he kills quite mercilessly by cracking bones, twisting and breaking arms and legs, breaking backs, and even cutting off heads! :eek:
I still like (in the foreigner) the very soft but deadly way he warns the guy to stay away from him, and then simply shoots him dead as if he was totally expecting what was going to happen next...
I know I would at least consider listening, wouldn't you?
I don't think I would defy him...;)
Of course they are always such deserving bad guys that get their dues, lol...
Awww, but I bet he is honestly kinda sweet in real life, eh suzi? :)
I am not totally clear on all the plot details in fact there are so many films I'm very confused...
But I am anticipating BOTB very much at this point...
One thing at a time (or in this case one movie!)
I simply can't wait!