Update & Continued Prayers Needed, for my 4 Yr.old son

Thank You Cathleen!

Thank You Cathleen! That was beautiful! It reminds me of many places I have visited in nature, before; Where I went to meditate, pray and explore.... Including a State Park & Nature Preserve my son and I visited today. I had to carry him some on my back but he did pretty good. I had to have walked through the Nature Hike Trail and the Hardwood Trail, a total of 8 Miles today. It was so beautiful! I told my son the name of as many trees & plants and other critters, as I could see and knew the name of; So I could remind him of what I taught him today, I took pictures of him holding/touching the plants, while telling him the names of them. That way I can put the pictures in a book for him, without taking the leaves from the plants, and writting a little about our trip for this day; Make our own "Special-Time-Together Book".

We saw Aligator tracks on the River Bank but no Aligator in the Amit River.... However, we did see bubbles in the water, when I made the sound of baby Aligators when they are trying to call their mommy. I just couldn't seem to get them to come out. At least they looked.

Again, thank you for sharing that Visual Inspirational Movie with me. I pray you have a Blessed Day!

Love Always Your Sister,
Dear Stacey, how is your dear son? Hope he is a bit better. I send you my today prayer for you:
Spirit, infinite, eternal Energy, Creator of the Universe, author of its laws,who can bring the dead back to life, and heal those who are sick. We pray for our sick brother that he may feel your hand upon him, renewing his body and refreshing his soul. Show to him the affection in which you hold all your creatures.
love and blessings, Cathleen
Hi Cathleen!

Hi Cathleen! Thank you for that beautiful prayer for my son. I belive the BIBLE too, when it say that YESHUA JESUS CHRIST is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever - Hebrews 13 :8 . I know HE still works miracles Today and can heal my son and myself, Miracelously!!! I believe the words in Isaiah 53: 4 - 10, that says YESHUA took those Strips in HIS back made by a cattail leather whip containing 13 straps full of thousands of peaces of broken glass, for our healing. It made HIS back mence meant. HE endured it out of LOVE for us and it was NOT IN VEIN! I believe the Word of ADONAI, when it says We are to Walk by Faith and not by sight.... and that when we have done all we could do by Faith, to just stand on HIS promises and Wait.... I believe just like you, as I can see from your prayer, and I can see that you too, are an intercessory prayer worrier.... Thank you! I pray you have a very Blessed Day. I know that If I wait with patience, that somehow, the LORD ADONAI will heal and help my son and myself for HIS Glory.... HE will work this all out, for GOOD as it says in Romans 8.

Love Always Your Sister,