Why is he always treated bad by critics?


the good'ol times

I saw "Above The Law" years ago, and I saw The Foreigner not too long ago.
Disciple - watch it again ...


Matrix has been revolutionized.And so Seagal has.From an outrageous samurai to a contemplating lama.
In terms of acting,Seagal doesn't need to act.He just passes by,drops a meaningful look at you and...oops...you're already involved with the story:D


expect the unexpected and you shall receive

revolution ain't always good
Foreigner was a disappointment to me, because it always kept me in suspense of something big to come that never came. It's like waiting for a big meal until a chef comes to you and says that they ran out of food :=)
If I come up with another analogy, I'll let you know.


And if you say that you ain't gonna eat this shit,just don't count on this that the cook will.:D
My advice to you,Yudansha,have no expectations.Just wait for a surprise!:D


philiosphical mind

Unfortunately for you Torra: the motto I live by is just exactly that - to expect anything others do not in a superconscious frame of mind. Surprise is a wonderful feeling, but most of the time the human brain sets itself up for disappointment. From there, it all goes downhill and the nerve impulses work over time in an unintentional manner.


New Member
yudansha said:
Unfortunately for you Torra: the motto I live by is just exactly that - to expect anything others do not in a superconscious frame of mind. Surprise is a wonderful feeling, but most of the time the human brain sets itself up for disappointment. From there, it all goes downhill and the nerve impulses work over time in an unintentional manner.

What the f*** does that all mean? I've heard of digging deep before, but I think you just burried yourself there. Seriously, what the hell does that mean. I couldn't follow you if I had a map and a compass. I keep reading it over and over again, and still nothing. I'm so confused...goddamnit. I'm gonna go get naked now.


sometimes to confuse one is to defeat one

voetballcanine you are funny
you remind me of my of my friends
it was late at night when i was writing that so some words got messed around
but your reply, funny stuff and i won't get into neurowave transmission here

what i meant was that i have to behave in a certain way because the contracts i get require me to do just that and i will leave it at that

good enough for ya? (get dressed before replying ... lol)


New Member
yudansha said:
voetballcanine you are funny
you remind me of my of my friends
it was late at night when i was writing that so some words got messed around
but your reply, funny stuff and i won't get into neurowave transmission here

what i meant was that i have to behave in a certain way because the contracts i get require me to do just that and i will leave it at that

good enough for ya? (get dressed before replying ... lol)

Haha, ok, I got it. And I totally know how that tired-4-in-the-morning-not- wanting-to-go-to-bed-so-you-get-on-the-internet-and-type-very-random- stuff-that-totally-makes-sense-to-you thing goes. I'm quite familiar with knowing what I mean but not expressing myself the way I wanted to because of lack of sleep. That is pretty much how I live my entire life. But hey, its fun for me, so who gives a rip? But do tell of this neurowave tranmission thing, I am intrigued...


basic into to neuro...

I don't think that this is the place to talk about neuroscience.
But basically, whenever you do something, there are these gates that open and close letting different ions in and out of tissues (usually Na, Ca, K, Cl). Since ions are charged differently, there is a potential difference created between the membranes (due to charge difference). When there is some sort of stimuli (i.e. confusion, distraction, surprise): various gates start to open in different places. Such openings release and take in oppositely charged ions varying the EMF (electro-motive-force) thus sending an impulse down (either to or from the brain, depending on which nervous system you are talking about). When the impulse reaches your motor neurons, those control your organs or any place with muscles that make a specific part of your body move. So, depending on where the signal is sent (i.e. specific part of a brain), a person reacts differently.

These neuro-transmissions propagate from one neuron (basic unit of the nervous system) to the next in a waveform. The propagation opens many gates successively until a threshold is reached. At threshold, the impulse can fire. Until the threshold is reached, no impulse can fire (no matter how frequent the signal is sent). For example if your fingers are very unsensitive (low neuron number basically), and if you touch a hot stove, you will not feel hot but the fingers will keep burning without you recognizing it by touch.

There are techniques to control various transmissions physically through concentration and various techniques (i.e. tricking a lie-detector test - remember Seagal in Above the Law ... :=)


yudansha said:
I don't think that this is the place to talk about neuroscience.
But basically, whenever you do something, there are these gates that open and close letting different ions in and out of tissues (usually Na, Ca, K, Cl). Since ions are charged differently, there is a potential difference created between the membranes (due to charge difference). When there is some sort of stimuli (i.e. confusion, distraction, surprise): various gates start to open in different places. Such openings release and take in oppositely charged ions varying the EMF (electro-motive-force) thus sending an impulse down (either to or from the brain, depending on which nervous system you are talking about). When the impulse reaches your motor neurons, those control your organs or any place with muscles that make a specific part of your body move. So, depending on where the signal is sent (i.e. specific part of a brain), a person reacts differently.

These neuro-transmissions propagate from one neuron (basic unit of the nervous system) to the next in a waveform. The propagation opens many gates successively until a threshold is reached. At threshold, the impulse can fire. Until the threshold is reached, no impulse can fire (no matter how frequent the signal is sent). For example if your fingers are very unsensitive (low neuron number basically), and if you touch a hot stove, you will not feel hot but the fingers will keep burning without you recognizing it by touch.

There are techniques to control various transmissions physically through concentration and various techniques (i.e. tricking a lie-detector test - remember Seagal in Above the Law ... :=)

Out of all that, this much I understood: " For example if your fingers are very unsensitive and if you touch a hot stove, you will not feel hot but the fingers will keep burning without you recognizing it by touch."

And I'm a nurse! :D


lol the specifics of basic intro: reminds me of a stats course --> nightmares!

Yeah it could've been in Glimmer Man, I don't remember clearly. They show that movie very rarely here. I thought it was in Above the Law because that's where Seagal played an ex-CIA agent (where he learned of the technique).

It's O.K. Serena. I don't know if they teach that when you get training for nursing, because I don't see how that would help a nurse. This sort of thing is done for research purposes. I bet that physicians wouldn't know details either.


I Belong To Steven
Serena said:
Out of all that, this much I understood: " For example if your fingers are very unsensitive and if you touch a hot stove, you will not feel hot but the fingers will keep burning without you recognizing it by touch."

And I'm a nurse! :D

I am with you Serena, waaaaaaaayyyyy over my head...But I still can't help
but wonder how incredibly insensitive they mean...What are those fingers,
made of anyway, asbestos? Yikes!