With elections coming, got a question for everyone.


New Member
I don't vote on party lines either.

Unfortunately in Alaska, I can't vote in the Republican primary as they only allow a straight ticket. In the regular election I vote for the person who I think will come close to doing what they promise and I vote across all the party lines. By the way I serve God in my work every day. I just don't think God has joined any political party. The media does not tell me how to vote.
If I was going to vote for anyone I would vote for the Monster Raving Loony Party that we have here in the UK!:D.I think they got around 2,843 votes last time:D.You do know i'm not serious?No,really.


I Belong To Steven
I think I tend to lean towards republicans, but I really don't know why,
as they are sorely dissapointing...I think it's best just go with my gut...


Potters Clay
Well I think I should apologize here too. I am truly sorry if I have sounded like I am preaching. With politics I get very discusted. It wouldn't be so bad if the media stayed neutral in their reporting, but they don't. I tend to get a bit opinionated when I get mad. I did'nt mean to take it out on you all. Please forgive me.


And how could you tell who would do less damage?There are always promices,promices...Guess they ones who promice the most,eh?