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  • I am doing great!! Finally some nice warm sunny weather here in my neck of the woods.Looks more like summer then spring. But I'll take the warm weather any day over the cold rainy one.

    Vacation time soon I hope before it gets too hot.

    Take care:)
    Sorry Ingar- I uploaded nine photos for you and one of the Administrator's approved seven of them. They were in the gallery until someone else decided to delete them without giving me a reason or mentioning the fact to anyone else. Common courtesy would be so nice. I guess if anyone wants to see the photos they will have to try and access the sites you provided. I tried, friend.
    That is great. I am Russian.
    I like the spirit of kindness and friendly co-existence in this forum.
    Oh! I see! I didn`t understand your first message quite well as my English is not good enough, sorry.

    I am glad to be here and to meet you!
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