Anyone seen this?


New Member
Ha! great! :D
But I doubt he got paid any money, because they didn't use his name.
There was another game (wich got cancelled) called 'The final option' in wich you actually controlled Seagal in a nuclear power plant or something against some guards and workers. You could even do some of those aikido throws. To bad it never got finished. Although there was an unfinished beta available for download with the emulator required to play it (it was a Nintendo game). I downloaded it from the J. Lucas 'Steven Seagal and the Asian arts' site, but I think he took it down. :(


Staff member
Hi M24,

Welcome to the Steven Seagal Unofficial Site and thank you very much for your information !!

a Happy New Year !!



I Belong To Steven
Thanks, M24...That's a really cool image, but I am sure he didn't even know about it...That kind of sucks, doesn't it? Oh well...Welcome to the board, and thanks for sharing that with us...:)


Hi, M24. Thanks for showing that. I've not seen it before. Welcome to the forum! I know you'll enjoy yourself.
