casey ryback


Well-Known Member
is it me or does casey ryback in us2 act nothing like casey ryback in us1.i know that seagal was going thorugh divorce when us2 was being made but it does not make sense because in us1 ryback was arragent and cocky and in us2 he whisped every line.if there is a us3 then seagal will act more like he did in hpd then casey rybck in us1 so maybe its too late for us3 now with seagals weight and the way he acts in is films now.


I Belong To Steven
I liked US2 much better...Plus he was more mature in US2, people change, I thought he was very charming in it...Besides, his whispers reallly give me the shivers, and I like it...:)


Staff member
I, too, noticed the difference, but I think it was more due to the script and the director. I did notice, though, in US, Steven actually shouts (the scene in the kitchen after he punches Krill), and oh, my, is that a powerful voice - he could knock people over just by raising his voice, I think!

But I also think that in US, there were more dynamics between Casey and other characters. In US2, we only see him briefly with his sous-chef, even more briefly with the chefs on the train, and the scenes between Casey and his niece didn't have as much of the charm (much as I hate to say so) that was evident in US between Casey and the ship's cooks, or Casey and Jordan, for that matter, mostly because they had hardly any scenes together. Morris Chestnut was a hoot, and the scenes with Bobby and Casey worked well, but there wasn't enough of it.

Whoever wrote the script (and whoever tinkered with it afterward, as is usually the case) probably did not study the character of Casey Ryback as presented in the original film. It struck me that the character could have been named anything, but had "Casey Ryback" applied for audience draw.

Anyhow, if there was a third Under Seige, it would make perfect sense for a heavier Casey Ryback - after all, he's been a chef for a really, really long time.... :) :) :)
Why can't some people accept it when authors and writers let their characters grow and flurish.....unlike[edit because of supreme dumbassness] any other Arnold Film.


Staff member
But that's the problem with US2, though - other than finding out Casey has a niece and a now dead brother and sister-in-law, we don't really learn anything more about Casey the person than we did in US, rather less, in fact. Finding out a character has blood relations does not actually do much toward actual character development (thus speaketh the writer). We learn far more about Casey the man in US than ever we do in US2.

Amos Stevens

New Member
That is why a movie with his character as a family man that he has to help save them or work with his son? Maybe the type that has be done before,but not by him


Staff member
Originally posted by Mama san
That whispering voice gives
most women the shivers!
God bless,
Mama san

hhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!! Especially Steven's!! No comment !! ;) :eek: